when I wrote off my last 1098 (my own fault and no other vehicle involved ) on a quiet country road, the first vehicle on the scene as I was pinned under bike was an old lady in a merc, well she stopped reversed and then drove around me. I have no witnesses to prove this.
you, or your mate, or your 1098 or the merc driver, is a liar then. We will continue to believe the country lane was quiet, pending further investigations. As regards the merc driver, the gender remains unproven..... happy to help.
yes I know ,im so very sorry tt. I should have photoshoped some evidence.i now realise I will never be able to tell any stories in the pub again.
I gotta say this is one of the most bizarre threads I've read on this usually fine forum in a while.....
Please forgive me Mr E. T. I used to be a regular visitor / occasional poster, but recently life has kind of got in the way. I'm hoping to improve my attendance more now though!
SHOCK HORROR……..on the point of hearsay (not the band) and heard it from a friend who heard from a friend who heard it from another(not the song)…….I agree with Pete…how many times do we go off on one here based on a story rather than fact…….let alone the story that is based on one persons interpretations of the facts..