Hangover cures.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Just back from Krakow, and I've got the hangover from hell. I feel like I've been run over by a tram, I ache from the top of my head to the very tips of my toes. I'm currently sat at home drinking gallons of water and munching Anadin extras like they're going out of fashion, and quite frankly they ain't hitting the spot:frown:

    I need your best hangover cures - and don't say prevention is better than cure, the deed is done.

    Please hurry...
  2. Drink though it :upyeah:
  3. I'm on my way :upyeah:
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  4. Berocca works for me, although it does turn your piss fluorescent yellow
  5. Cool! I'll warm up the baby oil...
  6. But you can see where you are pissing during the night :upyeah:
  7. Couple of drinks tonight or you'll never sleep man
  8. A warm bath and scented candles...wait...did i just post that
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  9. Are you in touch with your feminine side?
  10. Big Mac



    You may combine all of the above
  11. I didn't catch the ghey, I got drunk:mad:
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  12. Steak and eggs for breakfast - my other half says that sorted his worst ever hangover after a very long night's celebratory drinking with colleagues.
  13. Imagine that long night's celebration, add another twelve hours, then double it...
  14. My feminine side is gay.
  15. A good greasy fry up is always good for a hangover. Sausage, eggs, bacon, black pudding, beans, two of toast and a mug of strong tea. Go to the cafe.
  16. Coconut water (vita coco) to rehydrate or cranberry juice works for me
  17. I think you're underestimating the scale of this hangover, it's a professional one. How I didn't woof up in the plane today I don't know.

    Arrived in Krakow at 9am, first thing we saw was a market stall selling hot beer...well you would, wouldn't you? My pioneering spirit took over and I tucked in. 21 hours later my soulless cadaver flopped down onto the hotel bed. I've no idea how I managed to find either the right hotel or the right room. Midday on Saturday it all kicked off again; we tried to stave off the demon drink by visiting Schindler's factory, but quite frankly it was shite, so we hit the beer.

    By midnight I'd carried 3 of our party back to their hotel rooms, the lightweights, and was congratulating myself on feeling fine. Next thing I know I woke up in a strip club being revived by a laughing naked lady...
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  18. And your complaining sounds like a feckin great time
  19. I think if I asked you to quote for r22 replacement on process cooling you would soon get over that hangover
  20. Ask me tomorrow, I think I left my brain in the plane hold:frown:
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