What gets you're back up?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. At least someone gets it ;).
  2. In New Zealand we have the ACC ( accident compensation commission ) which apply levies to your pay ( to cover work place accidents ) to your vehicle rego ( for vehicle related accidents ) .... you get the idea , sort of compulsory insurance , and as a result we are not able to sue for this sort of thing . Acc pay me 80%of my pay ( not including performance bonuses or company cars... that costs me about $20k a year loss ) , they pick up all the medical bills ( way over a mill by now ) and pay for any mods to existing house or car , and they either provide transport or compensate me for driving my own car ( $ per mile ) to any related treatment / therapy .
    The courts can only convict the driver , reparation is not a right and depends on the ability of the driver to pay .... if he's got nothing that is what you get. In my case I was awarded $7500 but he appealed and some stupid bitch of a judge made me give him $3500 back so that he didn't suffer undue hardship ( her words ) while I was still in the wheelchair he put me in .... but wait , it gets better , turns out some years prior somebody ( and I cant say who .......professional misconduct an all that )fucked her on the beach and then wouldn't return her calls , maybe she remembered . Yep life sure can bite you on the arse:smile:
    I was wearing ... Shoei syncrotech helmet , Spool pants and jacket darbi light gloves and ...( cant remember what brand ) light weight m/cycle boots.
    This may sound a bit weird but ..........I have met so many wonderful people it was just about worth it. Nurses have got to be the best people on earth followed by a heap of Dr's , therapists.............:smile:eek:ne more thing and this cuts right to the bone , I am more pissed off about loosing my 900ss than anything else , yeah I could easily get another but that's not the point
    #82 Mc Tool, Dec 9, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  3. a bit small potatoes after that but not being allowed to take photos or vids at my daughters first nativity play, small school 15 kids 1 parent objection.
  4. Ah , Have I missed a bit of humour here Baldyboy ? possibly containing some historical quote , maybe at my expense . I hope not coz these are some of my favourite types of humour . I know that Arthur Wakefield was one of the regions early settlers . You may have to explain it to me , which could be another laugh in itself . Here's the deal .... if you make me laugh I'll kiss your arse ( figuratively speaking )
  5. Yeah ? That sux . Accusing / suspecting ( usually totally innocent ) people of paedophilia ( historical or otherwise ) has become fashionable . The sad reality is that in this case the paedophile ( if indeed there is one ) is most likely to lie within the objectors own family. People don't start thinking this way for no reason
  6. That seems like a fairly poor system. It essentially means that 3rd party insurance covers you for damage to someone's vehicle, loss of pay and medical bills. The long term suffering and misery is not compensated for.

    And there was I thinking that New Zealand was one of the most reasonable and sensible places on earth.
  7. Wtf?
  8. suspect its more like small village politics. the dudes are out all day erning the crust the wumin folk are dropping kids at school and falling out with each other over whos on the most committees a shit like that
  9. Yeah it could seem that way but if for instance ( and indeed in this instance ) the errant driver is a bum and I had to sue him for compensation .... I would have got nothing . This way I get medical bills , and I gotta say they have not been slow to call in private experts/ consultants , rather than relying totaly on the govt funded DHB's (district heath boards ), I get 80% of my pre accident pay ( inflation adjusted ). And I would hate to see this country go the way of the USA where everybody is suing everybody for the slightest thing and all the lawyers are vultures circling the victims looking for there percentage of the pay out. So I got nearly killed and crippled for life , but shit happens and no amount of money will change that . The best thing for me is to put it all behind me and get on with living up the time I have left . I have a wonderful Mrs ( Di ) , I can still ride ( and do )and Im happy. I don't give a fuck about the driver , he is an arsehole ( I can remember him standing over me , before the rescue chopper got there , trying to get me to admit liability ) I didn't attend any of the court cases because I don't even want to know what he looks like ... that way I can pass him in the street without knowing . I have had 4 1/2 years at home , paid ( 80%) and in that time I have restored a 1980 Capri , a 1974 850t Guzzi ( which I ride ... I cant bend my knee far enough to ride my Paso or my RD400 ) , and I buy broken or untidy old rifles and fix em up and sell em on ( I keep the good ones ) . Life is as good as it ever was:smile:
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  10. It happens . a lot of images found on paedophiles computers are kids in costumes , at pools ,ect , and every parent should be vigilant , but there is " over the top "
  11. The woman who just served me in M&S

    First impression - she looked like she'd just finished a stint outside selling the Big Issue, then she proceeded to ask if I was out Christmas shopping , nope those strange gaudy cylinders containing rolled up paper sticking out of my shopping bag are really going to be used later for my paper mâché project - then she informed me that the town would be really really busy later - 'cos there's a gig on in town'. Oh - who's playing I enquired ( while I was thinking how fucking long does it take to take a few clothes off hangers and stuff them in a bag FFS I just want to pay and get out if here before someone I know sees me). oh it's 'The Darkness' she replied - Jesus holy fucking Christ i replied (in my head). Good job I caught the bus then.
  12. she probably sensed you were a sarcastic f*ck and was just playing with you :p
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  13. I've found something else:

    Trying to watch a programme on ITV and having it interrupted continually by vacuous ads. I got out the stopwatch and timed them. It was as I thought: ⅔ programme, ⅓ advertising. That's ridiculous. That means in our hour of a TV show, I'm supposedly looking at 20 whole minutes of advertising. Channel of the Year? Don't make me laugh. I knew there was a good reason I never look at ITV.

    BBC licence fee is cheap at the price (except that, living abroad, I don't pay it…) Still, before you get all shirty, I'm not allowed to use BBC iPlayer and have no Red Button.
  14. The noise the self scanner makes to tell me I can save money buying more out of date crap I don't need.

    However, on a positive note, last week I saved £6.43, so maybe it is worth the pain.
  15. Welsh First Ministers questions on BBC Parliament.

    Just watched a really interesting debate about increasing the % of sheep that are Welsh speaking.

    I'm' amazed that no one suggested slaughtering the ones that don't speak Welsh to improve the stats.

  16. Bet your missus has though, phnarr phnarr :smile:

    Awww c'mon someone was gonna say it :wink:
  17. Yeah , but does he know where it is ?:smile:
  18. It's mythical. It doesn't actually exist. Its a myth kept alive by women so men will fiddle with their "bits" longer thereby turning foreplay into fiveplay. :smile:
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  19. no-sheep-shagging.jpg
    The most ignored sign in Wales , and you would think that most welsh men wouldn't want sheep talking at all ....

    #100 Mc Tool, Dec 11, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
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