Combat zone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. But the big boys pick on people...and most lounge threads these days turn more into public bar brawls than a Gentle discussion over a nice ale by the log fire
  2. Where's your tool ?
  3. you're the tool
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  4. I think you can give as good as you take bradders :biggrin:
  5. I can stand my ground :upyeah:

    Seems a shame if someone wanders in and all they see is flying chairs and beer bottles, oh and the posh blokes operating under queensbury rules..
  6. Bottles flying? Babies bottles maybe, after they have spat their dummies out of course. Maybe it's time we had a white feather button............ :upyeah:
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  7. Queensbury rules! Don't you mean the Marquis of Fantallier
  8. No, the Marquis of Fantailler dear chap :cool:
  9. Oops my spellings bad I know!
  10. Can I have Detritus on my side with the peacemaker?
  11. Fannytallier more like...
  12. will smoking be allowed in Bradders' big boys bar?
  13. Depends how hard you're rubbing...
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  14. are you looking at my bird?
  15. You spilled my pint.
  16. outside. NOW!!!...
  17. You're only gay if you push back...
  18. I thought it was only if your balls touch
  19. mine touch my nees,is that what you mean?
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