Bikes vs Horses

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Years ago was out with a good old mate( Frank RIP. Died of a massive brain haemorage whilst on the nest, what better way to go) he on a hyabusa me on a 996SPS pushing along on a country lane, come round a bend and there's a girl riding a horse. Well as he went by the horse reared up girl doing the Hi Ho Silver bit and me following thinking equine anenama ! luckily got passed without anyone being hurt. Frank sarcastically said she must of known us as she was waving wildly at us. No mate I think she was trying to stay on and get the horse under control.
    So nowadays I do try to ride with some consideration but a Desmo aint that quiet. I do get pissed off when horse riders give it the big up and down wave to indicate slow down when I'm half a mile away so instaed of pulling in the clutch and coast bye I give it some throttle unlike a good pal of mine who puts his tricolour on its back wheel and gives them the finger.
    Anyone had any interesting stories relating to horse riders! Thinking of turning up at the next hunt on the desmo with a camera. Now that would piss 'em all off. Now what tyres do you recommend?
  2. my wife would batter you. if she caught you.
  3. I've seen a horse put a side panel through on a post van that got too close. I give 3/4 of a tonne of muscle wearing metal shoes a wide berth...
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  4. She'd be riding a bloody riding a bloody fast horse if she did... :biggrin:
  5. Only ever serious episode of road rage was when I was riding a horse - it wasn't pleasant and the horse was worth about 80k
  6. I always slow down for horses, pull the clutch in and coast past giving them as much space as possible, most riders give an appreciative wave.

    Anything else just propagates the all bikers are morons myth, although some obvious are.

    Horse riders are even more vulnerable than we are, treat them as such.
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  7. I'm all in favour of live and let live.

    I slow down for horses. Why not? It's not as if they are clogging up the roads. They do their horsey thing, I do my bike thing. There's got to be room for everyone with a bit of tolerance.

    The only thing that really pisses me off about horses is how they reduce paths to a quagmire when it rains and then I have to splash about in it when I'm walking the dog - ooze like Paschendale.
    But then, if they weren't on the paths, they'd be on the road annoying bikers.

    Just life, innit?
  8. I'd feel vulnerable walking on my hands, naked, in the middle of the road. That's why I don't do it.
  9. When on the bike, self preservation comes first and I will do what is necessary, even if it means stopping and switching off.
    However if I am travelling in a tin box and the rider and animal appear confident and controlled, I see no reason to slow down or pull over.
    If one or the other appears to present a hazard then they should consider further training away from the highway, but you could say that about many car drivers too.
    My only real issue is that all riders should have to carry a shovel and use it when their animal dumps its last meal on the road.
  10. About 25 years ago, my mates wife was riding her horse down a country lane, when some tossers on bikes rode past behaving like some of the posters above. The horse threw her off, and despite wearing appropriate protective head gear, she suffered brain damage.

    I agree completely with Johnv in post #6.
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  11. do your self a favor slow down for horses,
    #11 finm, Dec 9, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  12. she would find you. :wink:
  13. Don't be an arse, be respectful to them, they are as passionate about their hobby as we are, probably more so as their mode of transport is a living thing. Dip the clutch and coast on tickover and then wind it on slowly when up the road a bit.
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  14. While horses shouldn't be on the road, simple, its not their fault some idiot decided to risk their life by taking them there. Takes a few seconds to slow down or coast by. Whats the hurry..
  15. Personally, if I see them in plenty of time I kill the ignition and coast slowly to the side of the road, I've seen pissed off rampaging horses before, not a pretty sight ...
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  16. i dont ride horses, the wife and kids do, i cant cant stand the amount of shit they produce, the wife occasionally rides a clydsdale, it would make a mess of a bike and its rider. fecking massive
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  17. thats wives for you....full of the stuff
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  18. We have a fair share of horses around here, Mrs C having her very own steed and as much as I dont like the things and refuse to go near them I respect for them for what they are. I dont fancy arguing with 800kg of tesco burger so best bet is slow down and a give them a wide berth.
    As it happens Mrs C does tell me that of all the road users us motorcyclists have the most respect. The worst is the lycra clad cyclists in groups because they sneak up with no noise and pass far to close which can spook the horse.
    She says dont turn off your engine and coast past, just slow and wide thats all thats needed
    Dont forget some of these horses could be on maiden voyage on the road.
  19. When wearing lycra I make some small noises, flick the brake levers or something like that, and talk to the rider before passing, although I think the horse often knows before the rider that I am approaching.
  20. just ask the wife how heavy a clydsdale is 2000lbs
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