It would be interesting to quantify how many Muslims kill Muslims as opposed to 'others'. It seems to me that they kill each other with as much vigour as any other faction. In fact more so. Thus their claims to be fighting for their 'brothers' is false. 'Soldiers of Allah'? My arse are they. Just a couple of nobodies searching for infamy. All terrorists would get the pork treatment from me. I am generally pretty centre left and inclusive but Islam can get stuffed. Islam needs to get its house in order as some are not painting a pretty picture of this 'religion'. One day the world will have had enough and put this religion to bed. Anyone who cannot see this coming is in for a rude awakening. They've pissed off the USA, Europe, Russia and now theyre starting on China too. This religion is closing up on oblivion. This is such a shame as there are undoubtedly great things out there in Islam. But all we get is the hate, bloodshed and oppression. Islam needs a leader. It needs a Mandela. A healer.
Agree pretty much with all of the above, except this bit: I'm just trying to think of all the great things out there in Isalm, but so far nothing springs to mind. Is there any great thing about Islam which is particular to Islam? Whatever Islam is or isn't, the whole ideas of "soldiers of Islam" is just tosh. As far as you can work out, Islam isn't about indiscriminate killing of people or waging wars. It's even less about hacking unarmed people to death in Western high-streets. Life, hopefully for sufficiently long time that they unbrainwash themselves. And no prayer mat.
Modern science, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy. Where would you be without algebra for instance. Where would you be without the idea of the number '0'. If you care to look you'd be quite surprised.
A) you're having to go back a few centuries to find anything. Since when there's been diddly squat. B) that was all about a civilisation, not about a religion, any more than Galileo was about Christianity. Where does the Koran mention algebra?
Not a other religion debate surely. This is about the murder of a young british soldier on the streets of London. Its religion in context of fanaticism, not whether a God, Allah or distant world where Wookies live exists.
Where does Christianity mention algebra? Or how about how christianity tried to suppress science. Sure twas a few centuries ago but its still alive and kicking in the USA and there will always be some dumb fucks about. There but for the grace of God go I. Its only a hairswidth from superstition to oppression. It would take little to jolt the civilised world into the dark ages. The fundementalism has nothing to do with Islam and all to do about power, hatred and murder. They just use religious dogma as an excuse. They are no more Islamic than I am and I am agnostic generally.
It's really religion in the context of distortion. It's not even being fanatical about something that most people (practitioners of Islam) agree on. It's about being fanatical about some bullshit you've just invented and tried to work into a text where it isn't there. Although a lot of violence is done in the name of religion, I can't think of any religions which tell you to go out an be violent. They may have the odd verse buried away somewhere in the thousand pages of antediluvian text, but no one takes that as a keystone of the religion. What you have with radical Islamists in the UK are a bunch of people who feel put upon for some reason, and unrepresented, and turn to Islam as a way of expressing that non-religious grievance. They would be better off emigrating. Worked for me.
Interesting article on bbc BBC News - A tale of three murderers long and short of it, due to Euro human rights laws, judges are not passing whole life sentences. So best case scenario would appear to be 40 years for these murderers
The slags would only do about 20 years, but hopefully they would get a sharpened toothbrush in the neck by then!...
Interesting link Bradders.So its seems the best way to commit murder is with your bare hands that will see a starting point of 15yrs.But if you use a knife or gun then 25 - 30 yrs starting point.Doesnt make any sense to me but I will keep a mental note. As for the Jihad terrorists that killed Lee Rigby.Once inside the law don't count for shite.All you law bods can bang on about this rule and that rule till the cows come home.Inside there is only a few rules (not the Governors) and screws definitely DONT run the show.How do I know this.Friends which have been cat. A prisoners on long sentences. With a bit of luck these Jihad terrorists will get locked up in same cell as these guys.Job well done lads.Saved the tax payer a few quid as one child rapist no longer needs feeding and looking after. Inmate admits disembowelling and murdering child rapist in prison cell attack | Mail Online
Trouble is matt, with the crime they committed they will no doubt be separated from other prisoners and cost hundreds of thousands to incarcerate.
Not necessarily Matt, although sentence seems light to me given the murder BBC News - Wesley Williams jailed for murdering ex-partner and baby
This is a very clear, helpful and informative article. Summarises the principles of sentencing murders pretty well.