
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XxAnthxX, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. For those living down south, you'll be pleased to hear your water companies have started to lift the hose pipe bans!

    That should come in handy!:rolleyes:

    If they fixed the leaky infrastructure there wouldn't be a problem.
  2. We didn't actually have it here, but it will make it easier to hose off the mess left by the floods.
  3. I wonder if they had not had a hosepipe ban the water would have drained away quicker
  4. Its meant to be getting lifted in Lincolnshire as well.
  5. Live in the North you'll never have that problem :rolleyes:
  6. You will if your unlucky enough to live in Hull 95% is below sea level remmeber whaat happened ther 5 or so years ago
  7. Funny you should say that I haven't!

    What with Keilder, Scaling Dam and Hart Reservoir, I don't know what all the fuss was about :upyeah:
  8. Isn't it strange how several water companies have all managed to lift the hosepipe ban on exactly the same day...and strangely just after the boss of Thames water got a whopping near-half-million bonus...
  9. Yeah my m8 who I'm going to Silverstone with had just moved into a brand new house on a new estate.....on the flood plain in Hull and lost both bikes and everything that was below the 1st floor windows.

    Total devastation, then the thieving Pikeys were round stealing what was left.

    He bought a caravan and lived on his drive for months, poor git.
  10. Hey there Mr Cynical....I'm sure it's just a coincidence really :rolleyes:
  11. And here we are in Suffolk...Anglian Water.....and we still have a hosepipe ban......unfuckingbelievable.....
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  12. Honestly ban in London I think is still on but I did not notice anyone complying to it.
  13. Does anyone have a garden in London?
  14. Only the queen 
  15. The cheeky old git, watering the lawn at Buck house while there's a bloody ban on!
  16. We have gardens, well all the posh people do (so sadly not me).
  17. Window boxes don't count as gardens! :tongue:

    I've only ever seen grass in the parks.
  18. I've only ever seen grass in the parks.[/QUOTE]

    I thought it came in little plastic packets :biggrin:
  19. Locally to us in Bognor (Flepham where I lived until I was 11) has been in the news a lot recently, what they don't say is that the flood has been caused by the building of a huge estate that has covered various green areas that I remember as a child with concrete. If they were to use more brown field sites (there are plenty of them now as so many companies going bust) then there would be less problems.

    Sorry to politicize the thread, I am going away now because hubby has just put on the video of Shock Metal from Sky Arts two weeks ago and it looks really good.
  20. I used to work for Thames Water a good few years ago as a network service technician - basically I looked for leaks. Thames Water splurged £200million on setting up leakage teams to sort out the leaks in London; essentially, we'd find the leaks and another company came along and fixed them. Except it never really worked like that.

    Anything in residential areas or visible leaks got sorted, any pipes under 10" generally got sorted, but bigger pipes and non-visible leaks got left. And it's not only Thames Water to blame for this; about the same time this was happening, the government decided they could make some money back on road repairs by fining utility companies every time they dug a hole - something like £1000 a hole if I remember correctly.

    The whole city are of London was ringing, leaks on every water main, but the cost of digging up the roads required to sort the problem was huge. However, if a road were to become unsafe due to the aggregate underneath being washed away, it could be dug up without penalty. So it was cheaper to wait for the roads to collapse. One night my team found 165 leaks in one square average leak on a 4" main was reckoned to lose 4400 litres per hour, in the city area all the mains are 10" or bigger...

    There's a leak on a 42" trunk main under Whipps Cross hospital, losing in the region of 10,000 litres per hour. I found it 20 years ago...
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