Bikes vs Horses

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. But Bradders, there are lots of things that are unpredictable;

    Drivers who wear hats (either v old or young and stoopid)
    Walkers with dogs

    To name a few, some are wide, some are slow. If you're on a narrow country road, you may come across any of these things and much more, that's what it's like on our diverse highways.

    If drivers/riders can't deal with it and we want to ban anything that isn't 'the same as us'...then we're on a one way road to getting motorbikes banned. The reason is, most 'normal' road users (car drivers), see us as 'unpredictable, dangerous, ridiculous, only used for fun...should I go on?
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  2. So agree with this.

    I always thought that bikers were a bit on the margins of society, a bit more non-conformist, a bit more intelligent.

    It's threads like this that make me realise that bikers are just as bigoted, stupid and intolerant as the rest of society. Bikers are just mainstream.


    Ban horses, ban cyclists, impose road tax. Christ, you don't need fuckwitted Eurocommisioners imposing nonsense with you lot around!
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  3. Ken, you forgot the most unpredictable of all. Women.
  4. Horses were using roads waaaaay before the internal combustion engine was even thought about
  5. You can play giddy up on your flipping pet goat on the road if you like, just don't be a tool about it, and IMHO riding two abreast to deliberately slow traffic down is being a tool! So don't be surprised if dobbin finds a Fireblade rammed up his horsey arse!
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  6. I was about to post but Kenoir and Glidd just beat me to it, coz I went to get a cuppa.

    I am constantly surprised at the intolerance shown to others, it shouldn't but I'm a bit dimwitted.

    I've see this not just on here but nearly everything everyday and it saddens me that because somebody is doing something that inconveniences you in the most marginal way should be eliminated. Be it equestrianism or cycling, both held in much higher esteem socially than fast, noisy, scary dangerous motorcycles.

    I'm just glad that nearly all my biking is behind me and that I got the chance because the attitude of some perpetuating the "BAN IT" mentality when practicing what is regarded as a pretty bloody antisocial practice themselves will, at least, assist in the worsening our reputation. That will only go one way..............more draconian laws for bikes until they either ban them or make it so unattractive its won't be worth bothering about.

    Maybe I'm all wrong but its the way I see it. Shout and get righteous indignation when they threaten us directly but a little courtesy and tolerance can go a long way.

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  7. a bit about my experience - and also to say that in all my years I have never had a problem with a motorcyclist whilst on the road they are the most courteous

    I was at work - out on my daily hack with another colleague on a Sunday afternoon , quiet double track road

    Both horses, although one a stallion well behaved and used to traffic , however on that day there had been terrible floods and 1/2 the lane was flooded quite deeply. Horse I was riding would not go through the water - so I needed to ride for about 40 foot in the centre of the road.

    Old chap and his wife came up behind and because I was in centre he could not pass (long clear strait) so he would have needed to wait for about 10 seconds while I negotiated the flood -

    But no - he hooted his horn then proceeded to pass, his mirror touched the horse , I asked him to wait , tbh I was pretty pissed of and shouted at him to wait - he accelerated past swerved sideways across the road and blocked our path then proceeded to get out and produce a stream of foul language about why the fuck wouldn't the horse go through the water - he must have been in his 70's

    It was quite extraordinary and upsetting - then when I got back to the stables they said I could report to police (I had taken reg & details) but I was advised not to

    It really was my crappiest experience on the road ever
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  8. What gets me about the people who complain about horse or cyclists taking up the road is that they're often in those really slow cars. The ones that get in the way of us people who have fast cars. They should just pull over and let us past. After all, we pay more road tax than they do.

    I AM being sarcastic here, but everyone gets in the way of someone at some point. We should live and let live. Much less stressful that way.
  9. Which is exactly why we need to give them more consideration and space.
  10. :eek:
  11. Who advised you not to report it ? I think it was very reportable.
  12. aye but its good craic tho.
  13. Slowing down reduces stress. My old beat up VW Campervan does 55mph, 70mph down a hill. Sitting in this on the motorway and the road opens up. I never get held up as everyone is going way faster than me. Plus its fun. Children wave at you and the damn thing makes you smile. If the fucker starts up that is. On jams on the motorway, we can make a brew too.
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  14. Yes it would have been reportable - the security staff of my employer at the time said it was my decision but they 'put me off' and said I should forget about it

    In hindsight I should have reported it , thinking back on it later I also wondered if he'd had a few too many down the local with his Sunday roast

    TBH I was also in shock - its surprising how these things affect you
  15. …so to get your own back you decided to dress up in leather and take to the streets on a black and evil Streetfighter.

    Behold the superheroine bringing justice to the roads!! :biggrin:
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  16. and there was me thinking someone was going to say 'well that's only your side of the story' :wink:

    I did omit the bit where I smashed the top of his car with my crop :rolleyes:
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  17. The old farts probably dead now. If not, well nearly.
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  18. Well just off out on the pusher, see you all later. 25 quick miles down the country lanes before picking the grandkids up from school.:upyeah:

  19. very similar attitude to the jag driver I wrote about.

    I especially resent when his ilk behave like that as they of all people should know better, and yes you should have reported it.

    I don't think banning / stopping is the answer though as we've all said, just awareness and education. In his case a crop round his face!
  20. Pushbike? What the hell do we give you olduns free bus passes for? Waste of money. Ban him.
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