Does it smell of stale urine at delivery?Or is that an acquired aroma delivered by the drivers and their wives? Does it come a his'n'heres TENA dispenser?
Al Queda operatives masquerading as Cheese Toppers. Why the fuck should we in the UK put up with Turkey Ham on pizzas? I would rather shit through a Dominoes pizza shop letter box than eat anything assembled in the store.
Cant be a hippy, got no fecking hair! And I like a wash too much...but the idea of walking to the shops and knowing the butcher, the baker, the greengrocer, the guy who runs the post office/corner shop and working within 30 mins of home gets more appealing the older I get
You could join the trustafarians in Totnes. Transition Town Totnes - Bringing people together to build a future beyond oil Apparently you can live a very comfortable alternative lifestyle if you have a good job, or a trust fund, to support it.
It sounds like Shropshire, where you know you wife and sister very well. In fact, they are one in the same!
Nah..hoping I can manage to keep the lights on ;-) Funny, Shropshire is on the list of places to look at
Johnv : "So can growth, in real terms, continue indefinitely ?" I dont know john i haven't got the answers, clearly. I also wouldn't disagree with a lot of the ideas but in practice i cant see a major change in the worlds direction happening either. see my reply #23 , where does local start and end. One response i can imagine is that this has to start somewhere. Potentially true and if its so attractive i recommend a trip to Borneo, or the amazon basin etc. If this lifestyle was attractive to humans it would be expected to spread. Therefore i say, review the evidence.