Will you be spending less/the same/more than last year? I've managed to keep spending just 2% more than last year - which was a feat and a half. Still spent a shit load though!
wouldn't know, the missus does most, if not all of it, I try not to keep track, that way I won't be worried about it. I'm just responsable for buying her something, that will compensate for all the toys i buy myself ;-)
I don't really watch how much I spend on pressies, if I see something I think the girlfriend will like for her crimbo I buy her it. Other than that ive just got my mum, sister and nephew to get so not that much really.
I bought my Mutley some R&G engine covers (100 notes) on Sunday at the NEC. No one else has had that much spent on them from me this Crimbo! It must be love!!!!
i usually start on xmas eve- can't beat the time pressure to help speed up the decision making process. very efficient. usually ends up being boxes of Marigold gloves all round…….
I don't buy prezzies................................................... It's my way of saying that I am green and have no carbon footprint.
Corrected. Sadly, the euphoria of the current festive season has caused me to briefly forget the abject misery I have suffered and will continue to suffer. Happy fucking christmas everyone!