Hangover cures.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Been nice knowing you Tel:frown:
  2. You too mate. Can I have the Griso please?
  3. Yes. I'll give you the address of the current owner...
  4. Sardine toasted sandwich (white bread) and a bottle of Lucazade or Irn Bru. Has served me well for 30+ years.
  5. Bugger. Didn't realise you'd sold it. What have you got left?
  6. Blackbird and a Le Mans mk4. No to both:wink:
  7. I'd look after them better than the local cats home. Fact. :wink:
  8. Oh, ok then.
  9. Where do you want sprinkling ?
  10. Cheers :upyeah:

    And I really hope you don't suffer to much when you finally go. :smile:
  11. In Kelly Brook's bra please:upyeah:
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