The urge is starting ... Seems I can't escape my Christmas stupidity every few years of buying the latest console along with a bunch of games, playing it loads over new year and then leaving it to gather dust with only occasional use by the kids until it is rendered obsolete by the next big thing so that the whole cycle can start once again. So my question is this ... Which console should I waste my money on this year?
PS4 but neither for now. Always wait for at least 1yr for things to quiet down. Besides my PS3 works fine. Never owned an Xbox so cannot comment. I suspect you would not be disappointed with either.
My existing Xbox and Nintendo Wii both work fine as well (or at least I think they do ... they never actually get used) but that isn't the point. If I wait a year the urge will have gone ... I need to waste my money NOW while they are hot!
Waste it on some stuff for your bike. Never buy electrical gaming goods immediately until the dust settles.
I have a ps4 and it's a great bit of kit,I only have ghosts for it at the moment but it looks stunning,console itself looks better than the x box,the music app is very good and let's u listen to music whilst you play,headphone socket in the controller is a good idea as well as the sound coming out of the controller itself Only downside is u now have to pay to go on line not sure how easy it would be to get one for Christmas though,but good luck anyway
Stuff for my bike wouldn't be wasting money - and there's no point waiting a year to buy a console as it'll hardly get used anyway! You do have a point though - I wonder what else I could waste £4-500 quid on instead of an ultimately pointless console and a bunch of games. Suggestions?
Hookers and coke? Slightly more seriously , how about a r/c helicopter. Cut the kids hair at the same time....
And the last time I was therein dec with snow all around, two guys fighting, shirtless, in the snow, bout 1 in the morning. Value entertainment.
I have an Xbox One and I love it, I wrote a review on here a couple of weeks ago if you are interested. the PS4 is a great bit of kit too and a little more powerful (although once the developers have settled into the hardware there will be bugger all difference) but all my mates either have or are getting Xbox Ones...
Got an Xbox One, had a 360 can't tell the difference other than the interface. No major leap forward that I can see yet.
well put it this way if they were motorbikes and you were asking what is the fastest and most advanced... the ps4 would win the xbox 1 is more of a sports tourer
I'd heard Playstation were going to charge a monthly fee for online use much the same as Xbox use , is this still the case ?. If so I wont bother getting the 4 .
£40 for a years play station plus pass, I didn't realise you had to pay, you do get free digital gAmes to download once in a while though