Valentino Rossi and linda Morselli

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Il Presidente, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. well the Scots do have a better sense of humor.
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  2. You need to have, Dave, with all that ginger hair :wink:
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  3. Quite.
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  4. You need not be gay to be a fudge packer.
  5. I have one of those ginger hair jock hat things, could I now be arrested for wearing it?
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  6. Can I ask, as a schoolkid, we had no homosexuals within the 1200 or so pupils at the school. Obviously there were some who kept it to themselves. Why is it, now, there are so many more? Everytime my mates teen daughters bring boys home, they are Homosexuals. Can it be that there were as many in the 80's as there are now? Has a changing society actually produced this uptake? Serious question by the way.
  7. I guess more and more feel less anxious about coming out these days. Which is a good thing. After all you cant choose your sexuality. You are what you are.

    Ive spent a lot of time in the company of homosexuals during my rave years. Sam and I would often frequent gay clubs. They were fun and zero aggression. Although the gents was a lottery. The ladies loo was much more fun. Heaven was a hoot at times.
  8. Would one even go so fa as to say it's promoted via the media?
    Seems to me that you can't turn the telly on these days without two nice boys having a snog!
    No soap appears to be complete without a pair.
  9. That is a very good question. I've often wondered this myself. Where I went to school, if a poofta came out the closet, he got a good old fashioned kicking. This is back in the 80's. nowadays it seems to be fashionable to be a back yard gardener!...
  10. Maybe because there is an increasing number of people, gay and straight, objecting to terms like fudge-packer etc.
  11. Think it through, go on, I bet if you think hard enough you will work it out...
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  12. I wouldnt bet on it.
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  13. Since when has a persons sexuality become a fashion statement?... I'm tired of seeing homosexual men being paraded around on TV and, like the bloke at work, being all in ya face with their homosexuality... All limp wrists and put on voices... It's a fackin bore!... Don't see the dykes doing it so why should the blokes?
  14. If he could think AND type at the same time, he'd realise his itchy anus was due to a klag nut and not an insecurity over his sexuality.
  15. i aint ginger....... i was ginger but not anymore.
  16. Seeing as we are on the subject, what about your nuts?
  17. Not insecure at all... I prefer flange over knob... Are you hiding something here Bootsam?
  18. where? your itchy anus? That wasnt me.
  19. what you want to know?
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