Just started Terry Pratchett's Raising Steam (another in the Moist Von Lipwig Discworld sub-series after Going Postal and Making Money). Am hoping it is as good as a couple of his other recent books, Unseen Academicals and Snuff. Other favourite writers are - Poppy Z Brite (very sensual - her horror is truly visceral, her love scenes very tender, and her foodie writing mouthwatering) - just read her Liquor series of novels about 2 chefs; - Neil Gaiman - the Sandman graphic novels, American Gods (if you like the Supernatural TV series, this should appeal), Stardust, some of his short stories, although strangely despite liking both Pratchett and Gaiman, I couldn't warm to their Good Omens collaboration - almost as if the two talents cancelled each other out; - Anthony Bourdain (the original Kitchen Confidential was a cracking good read - warts and all restaurant kitchen life, crazy drunken druggie chef antics, rants about restaurant owners and bad food) If you want something to make you think, Ben Goldacre's Bad Science is excellent and am sure has fans on this forum already (quack debunking, statistics for dummies, interesting info about the placebo effect).
Good to see some Ian Banks.. and some Iain Banks fans on here! Sad loss.. no more Culture books to look forward to ! Looking forward to reading his Culture novels all over again one day, in fact all of his books!!
Massive Gaiman fan I want my comics back from my old place have entire Sandman set. Also got as a pressie the big hardback edition of all of them together. I've kept it sealed As hoped my comics turn up but if not il have to open it. I used to read Poppy Z Brights early books have not done so for years very raunchy they were to. I also enjoy Anne Rice
Nearly finished "Not Forgotten" by Neil Oliver (of Coast fame). Very sobering. There are 37,780 First World War memorials in Britain, listing names from all walks of life - estates, villages, places of work. They stand as landmarks to a defining period in British history - and yet one which is in danger of slipping away from popular memory. Accompanying the major "Channel Four" series, "Not Forgotten" is a revealing look at the untold stories that lie behind these lists of names - stories of the impact of World War One on British society, the echoes of which can still be felt today. More than a conflict overseas, it was the catalyst for an extraordinary period of rapid and radical change to the social, cultural and political fabric of the nation. Social restrictions on women were revolutionised, from jobs and the vote to new freedoms in dress, behaviour and sexuality. The class system was thrown into disarray, both at home and on the front lines; roles were reversed in family life for a large part of the population, through bereavement, evacuation and children put to work in munitions factories. And as the state took drastic measures to cope with this turmoil, so the foundations were laid for the society in which we live today
The Undead.The First Seven Days. RR Haywood. Something to read when you are in a cottage on your own in the middle of nowhere!!!
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran. read her first one (How to be a woman) which was pretty good, about to start the above. As as a follow on from Wroughtironron, I got Mrs749er Kate Adies new book which is about women in WW1, and how that changed society.
The 'Goal' nothing to do with sport More to do with saving a failing factory! Changed my outlook on KPI's but interesting.
oh gawd, the grumbleweeds.......vague memories of something dad used to like when I was a VERY small boy (some may argue I still am, in so many ways) Anyone else see Matt Lucas in there? the one on the right MUST be some form of sheep shagger, surely?