the coolest image in england

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. nuff said - whoooohooo

    #1 Phill, Dec 14, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
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  2. Git :biggrin:. Andy
  3. Some yoof's tried to pinch your bike and left their toy behind.:biggrin:
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  4. Well thanks Phill. You've just made me realize I'm older than I feel because apart from the seat unit and silencers nothing else in the photo seems remotely cool to me.
    That's my Christmas buggered then.
    Hope you have a good one though.
  5. I love those cans Phill ....
  6. not even the BST's

    lol :p
  7. :tongue: oh dear. Its like im talking to a fourteen year old :upyeah::upyeah:
  8. hoy man ya chav. ya jist a pure ralphy :p

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  9. Didn't even notice them. :rolleyes: I'm guessing the picture doesn't do the bike justice though. Mine's the opposite. Get's worse the closer you get. :tongue:
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