10 degrees and dry the beeeb says for tomorrow (Sat 14th) might try and get out round lunchtime! cup of tea at Boxhill! gonna need to get some sleep first though as I'm on a 18:00-06:00hrs shift
I'll be at Box Hill from late morning then, say about 11:00. I want to hear the 899 with the Termis for as start.
Off to Richmond shopping,be safe out there and if I don't get up there before have a great Christmas to Y'all Ps there is a motoring event 1st January at Brooklands museum that was quite good earlier in the year......
I'll see what it's like in the morning. Can always brace myself and take the shame of being at Box on the GS. I'll park on the road and walk in.
It's just chucked it down here so roads going to be very wet, I had to wash my bike when I got home today so I aint going to be back out till this weather has blown over and its at least 15 degrees. I hate the winter Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
There's a bike running in the background here so not a perfect reproduction, but just for those who missed it, this is the sound from the 899 Termi's on the day
Agree, weather here dry but forecast rain by mid afternoon. I reckon I'll grab a breakfast at Box at this rate.