Oh yes. But not viral in the video sense, viral in the diseased sense. Apparently I've got an extremely infectious throat virus, and believe me it's a bad'un; I'm into my 4th day of no food whatsoever, the only water I can get down and keep down is luke warm and laced with soluble aspirin, I have strong, relentless pain that starts in the pit of my stomach and goes to the tip of my head, and as of yesterday I am completely deaf, which is somewhat disconcerting. It's bad alright. Sooo, who do you want me to kiss and why..?
Susan Boyle.....you'll think of your own reasons... Sorry, mis-read the question..thought it was who wants to kiss you?
I was off most of last week with the Flu. I felt proper rotten, so Figgy I feel your pain dude :frown:
Don't kiss me again fig I been poorly too I'm four weeks down the line after being in bed for 2 days with this flu bug and still have an annoying cough!! It's a nasty virus doing the rounds at the mo had a lot off work with same thing Get well soon fig
My heart bleeds....... ......here's me on 12 different medications every day and another blood test coming up............... ..........someone has even painted a red cross on the front door with 'Lord have mercy upon my soul' under it........... .......Every so often in this rural location I hear cart wheels rumbling so I'm just waiting for the distant cry of 'Bring out your dead' GWS Fig.....(and you other wimps) AL
I feel your pain day 3 of kebab shop poison. my veggie food had lamb in it . never eaten meat or fish for this very reason projectile vomiting . Can't keep even a cuppa down The only Omnivore who's allergic to poxy meat and fish ! Dam roast beef smells so nice .