Ducati beaten to it....? :biggrin: But its inevitable that Ducati release an official version Im sure...( with a better nose cone then the one below ). Taken from French mag MotoRevue, not a bad effort, 7/10. I'm a harsh critic :wink: Ducati 1199 S Fighter by Hertrampf - Actualits moto sur motorevue.com (Formed by Hertrampf Ducati in Germany i think)
Yeah it does look nice but not a fan of the front headlight/nosecone though. It looks abit like the Predator without the dreadlocks.
I like it bar the headlight, looks to Z1000 for my tastes. I do wish Ducati would do this for real though.
Well there is this one as well: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1392564_566230100115605_1542361877_n.jpg