one of my geek interests is anthropology...human behaviour, society and all that...i think im correct in asserting that the average tallest countries (apart from crazy African tribes) are the Dutch and Scandanavian countries and also certain Russian territories...average male height is 6ft, women about 5'10, compared to England which is 5'9 for men and something like 5'4 for most developed countries people are getting taller, but ironically in the UK were getting shorter..average male height in the 60's was 5'10. i read a study that showed average female height in the UK for women aged 16-24 is now around 5'3..women typically reach full height by about 16, men by around 19. the real short arses are south americans, asians and most africans (all averaging between 5'1 and 5'7 for men).. sorry
I blame all the E number crap & artificial stuff they put in food these days. Parents are responsible too, they're feeding kids the crap that get them overweight in the first place. A healthy diet can be as cheap as a bad one if not cheaper. rant over.
I can't agree with that, sorry. We grew up being fed by my nan, and everything in her repertoir was suet or lard-based. The difference was we never had TVs in the bedroom, we never had computers or computer games, every second of our spare time was spent tearing round the village playing hide and seek, or playing football or cricket. We had no phones, so if you wanted to see a mate you invariably ran round to his house, only to find he was out, so ran home. The simple fact is all the time we were awake we were active - not sat in front of a computer...
The OP was about height rather than width. If you are refering to the number of fat bastards around today then you are probably right, but they are tall fat bastards. Jennifer Lawrence was recently quoted as saying that the use of the term 'fat' should be illegal