Looks like I may well have a chance to take my bike on Thruxton circuit in spring 2014. Ive never been, is it a good circuit in anyones opinion, from a bike point of view? I am aware they don't have many bike track days there. what does anyone reckon?
Probably the fastest track on the BSB circuit and for a long time off limits for routine track days. An opportunity not to miss and I'm jealous you lucky b . Andy
Riders do some customer days and I've a feeling they get the occasional Thruxton day. But its quite and few on track at a time, same as Doom
Don't the Thundersport GB have a Thruxton round? You can get your ACU license and just race one round a year there.
i wanted a pony for xmas, my daddy said no. so i got his credit card out of his wallet and bought thruxton race circuit. i can now do as many track days as i want on MY circuit. With my friends. that'll teach him, not to buy me a pony.
slightly more seriously, its via this. Skills Days | Institute of Advanced Motorists | The Institute of Advanced Motorists - The UK those regular track day racers/goers, will probably know it all anyway, its fair to say its not and 'out and out' track day as you might understand them. but it may appeal to some. Ive done two at Mallory Park and found them interesting, challenging and really good fun. and this one is a chance to go on a circuit (thruxton) where track days are hard to come by. the IAM nay sayers, can keep their thoughts to another thread, last time i went, there were all sorts of machines, no beards were allowed, and one chap going round on a liveried Blood Bike- and not hanging around. bit of a barge going round the hairpin though! as a separate aside, i have just had an email from the circuit itself, and it would appear they are doing conventional track day dates as well this year. see below Castle Combe Circuit - Track Days - Events - Motorcycle Track Day scope for a ducati forum en masse….?
in fact if you look at the first of the links above, and scroll to the bottom of the page it refers to 'levels, and mentions members/non members.' so, in fact, i think I've answered my own question. in fact. and thats a fact!
Thruston dont do general track days for bikes, planning doesnt allow it. They're allowed 12 'loud' days a year, most of which are taken by race meets. your post confuses me. Is the Iam day at thruxton or castle coombe as you've posted this link above?