Suarez at liverpool

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. He has signed a new deal, his existing deal was set until 2016 but they have given him a new contract at £160,000 per week until the end of this season then £200,000 a week.
    The game is sick this is totally unacceptable. For Christ sake they only kick a ball.
  2. dancing-monkeys.gif


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  3. and sell merchandise
  4. But he's worth it.
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  5. Are you going to make a comment about how much nurses earn next ?
  6. Only happy to have obliged on this great day :biggrin:

    I might have outed myself as a kopite though...
  7. the ultimate sacrifice.
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  8. Having had a heart bypass and new heart valve in 2012 do not start me on how much nurses and the NHS are worth.
  9. Could be worse. Could've been a 'buddie'
  10. YNWA
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  11. ?????
  12. sorry. meant for Fin.
  13. Well I am glad you are ok. My mum was a midwife by the way.

    My point is that he is a top sportsman in the most popular game in the world. Do you complain about how much Vale earns, or Tiger ?

    This is just another "I hate football" thread IMO . :wink:
    #14 clueless, Dec 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2013
  14. great news.... grin.gif

    scarf.gif scarf.gif scarf.gif scarf.gif


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  15. I think we can all agree though that Nurses are well underpaid.

    He is one of the very best in the world at what he does. His career is 10-13yrs and only half of that will be at the top level.

    Even a top surgeon can earn what Mr Suarez earns. His career is 30-40yrs.

    If you're the best, you earn the most sometimes. You're talent is valued. Thats just the way it is.
  16. I hate football.I wouldn't mind if I could ring fence myself from this horrible game but I can't, it is all pervasive, I even help fund it due to the sponsorship deals.
  17. suarez, causing trouble on and off the pitch
  18. I love football with a passion... In fact I love all sports. I love it all ; )
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  19. I'd watch snails racing down a pain of glass and be cheering one on.

    sport sport sport!!!!
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