INSANITY, Any One Tried It ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. If you warm up properly there is no reason why you should injure yourself doing this. There are some jumping exercises that you have to do carefully but most of the techniques have been about for years.
  2. something tells me that if you do this work out, and keep to the greasy spoon and greggs, the effect will still be a lardy bloke... granted a fitter lardy bloke, but a lardy bloke none the less.
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  3. With knackered knees.
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  4. Couple of guys chatting in gym other day. They do circuit training. Decided to have a go at girly heavy weights with bicep curls with no more than 10kgs?! Pah.

    They could hardly stand never mind walk or talk by the end. Way tougher than circuits...constant work for 50 minutes with compound exercises

    From what I see of Insanity its harder cardio less so weight, combination of body pump and body combat (my missus does both)
  5. Big fan of circuit training...:upyeah:
  6. Cobblers Tom :wink:

    Probably a bit to much competitiveness amongst the army boys caused the knee problems !
  7. yeah. scalextric?
  8. Ripped me mate...:wink:
  9. Fucked knees, in my day, were usually caused by pack runs in boots, not circuit training stuff. Agree about the good warm up though. Lost about 20 lbs since January, by eating sensibly and doing a low impact exercise routine 3 or 4 times a week. I travel a bit so it has to be something I can do in a hotel room with no gym.
  10. Lol really ;-)
  11. My plan is from the 6th January I will be doing Insanity non stop for the 60 days !:biggrin:

    ......and I will be revealing the body "Live" on the Ducati forum :tongue:

    So, early March...... something for all the ladies to look forward to ! :wink:
  12. Nice one clueless, stick at it mate. I have done the 60 day programme (its actually 63) about 5 times now and I think its awesome. I have tried all the new sequels too, and the original is by far the best. If you miss a day though its all over, as its so easy to break the routine and get into bad habits. It also advises 1900 calories a day, do that and the weight will drop off you, but if you body build too, or want to retain lean mass (I use insanity to cut up) you will need far more calories to prevent muscle wastage. Good idea to up the protien too.
  13. Feel a competition coming on...
  14. bradders v clueless insanity challenge...?
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  15. I'm going to have a look at it. Need to get quickly back into fitness given race ambitions next year.
  16. Can't wait :)

    Before and after pics and I shall watch with interest
  17. Those of you doing this we need pics please
  18. Bear Grylls that man is insanity!!!
  19. could have a forum biggest loser competition,,,,,with weigh in and everything…now where is alison sweeney?
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