tell me about tablets………..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. ipad or what?
  2. take them with water

    dont crunch aspirin
    #2 bootsam, Dec 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2013
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  3. If you have already invested in the iTunes economy, then an iPad is the only way forward. I had a first generation Nexus 7 and now I have an iPad Mini (non-retina one.)

    In my opinion the iPad is much better to use, everything just works. Unlinke in the playstore, any app you buy will run, and you can find what you are looking for. You will find much more support for iOS from bigger companies. (For example there was no banking app on android for santander when i owned the Nexus, but there was on the iPad.)

    If you want to watch films from any source other than iTunes then a Nexus 7 would be the way to go. You can get apps to cover all the different file types (VLC) and you can pretty much put anything you like on the tablet. I like my iPad, it never crashes, it works in unison with my other apple products and I've invested in iTunes already. If you want to watch movies you haven't paid for and you don't want to have decent apps then go for android.

    The nexus is much cheaper, it's a really nice bit of kit but I think it isn't quite as good.
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  4. thanks!, we have i phones a apple desk top……….yada yada
  5. We have Galaxy Tab and the latest great ipad, the ipad is Mrs C's for work but we use it as our own. Have to say the ipad is better experience however this is greatly over shadowed by the way Apple seem to have some control over what you can and can not do. No freaking USB for god sake!! No SD card slot!!! What were they thinking!! I can only look at some kind of Apple pre approved Youtube.
    Setting up an iTunes account was a ballache and 17 attempts at a password that apple was happy it was secure... Its my password, my device and my account and I will decide!!
    With the Galaxy Tab its not as smooth and the screen on the ipad is better and it has USB and expandable storage. But to be honest now that the novelty has worn off neither see the light of day!!

    Personally I prefer a laptop, I have just bought a 14" HP Elitebook with a SSD and its up and running witin 10 seconds of hitting the on button!

    And for a quick browse my phone does the same as an tablet!!
  6. If you have macs and iPhones; the iPad will just fit seamlessly. Yes they are expensive and some tablets may actually be better. But for ease of integration and a hassle free life, the iPad is a must as you have an apple household.
  7. Please don't consider this a brag, but we have a macbook, 2 iPhone 5s, an apple tv, an iPad 3(the one before the retina display) and an iPad mini. I can use all the iPads and iPhones to control both the mac and apple tv. I can push any media that isn't represented on Apple TV to the apple tv from the phones and tablets. I only have to buy a film once and we can watch it anywhere. The school work I need from the Open University is iPad compatible so I have free and easy access to the books out here in afghan. All the kit works seamlessly without any effort. I'm not an apple zealot but I do think that right now they offer the best experience of what I want to use my tech for. Also we don't illegally download films, we buy them, so its great to be able to pick a newly released film on the apple tv on a saturday night and watch it after 2 minutes in HD on a nice tv. It's very convenient. The google experience is very different to this.
  8. Basically there are two world views:

    1. Apple does everything for you and if you don't like it, tough. The upside is that the company doesn't just do hardware; it does the software too which is the whole point of the thing. One without the other is no use. The quality of their products is generally excellent and they have most bases covered. You relinquish some of your freedom for coming into their world - a bit like conforming to a dress code to get into a swanky club. But that goes for developers too: iOS apps have to be tested and approved by Apple, so they don't crash and they don't contain viruses (which the Mac doesn't have either).

    2. You value your personal freedom and prefer the anarchic free-for-all that is the Google universe. It's not integrated, anyone can do anything. If you are keen on piracy, it's probably a better place to be. Just don't complain when some game app installs a virus to unload your bank details. You have a greater choice of hardware but it comes at the price of cohesion. In the Windows scenario, it's a similar situation. If you're into tech, then maybe you enjoy navigating your way through the minefield and expending thought and energy on your tech set-up. If you just want the thing to work when you turn it on and do what you want it to, this may not be the place to look.

    You pays your money and you makes your choice.
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  9. If you have the apple stuff anyway. Ipad. Whats the point in anything else? Apart crom the obvious speeling mistakes and auto-correct ;-) it works great as an everyday internet surfer etc
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  10. I'm with Bradders. I really like the Nexus and some of the Samsung stuff, and it's cheaper than the iPad. Android on my phone is streets ahead of an iPhone. But if you've got existing Apple kit, maybe stick to that.
  11. The op has already been sucked into the apple brand so why change, for anyone interested in a good value for money tablet don't discount the Microsoft Surface.
  12. can't resist saying this:

    In this case, the bigger tablet may not be the better option, as like others have said the larger one may not supply the same level of enjoyment over a longer period.
  13. I rate my iPad mini way over our full-sized iPad. 7inches is definitely enough! Giggedy.
  14. I have managed to convince myself that the 8gb one i had in a limited edition white is actually a lot more elite than it really is, I've even named it similar to the genuine 32gb singing and dancing model even though it has been proven that apple didn't actually produce it in that spec..
  15. Computer gadgets are never elite for more than 6 months.

    Then they are just obsolete.

    it is not worth having any real affinity for your computer gadgets - their useful lifespan is short and they are very easily replaceable. Not like a Ducati.
  16. iPad all day long - it does everything you want it to and it works.
  17. The iPad has a great interface once you get your stuff onto it but getting stuff in and out is a bit clunky, also rearranging stuff once it is on is not very intuitive.

    I had this conversation with a young guy just the other day and he said that going straight to Apple is much easier that going to Apple via Windows or Android and the big plus is if you have a range of Apple products they all work seamlessly together.

    I think Glidd summed the differences up very well. I am very slowly warming to Apple.
  18. personally having had a few handheld tabs etc
    apple is too restrictive and frankly poor value these days. jeezuz they wont even let you bluetooth simple things to some non apple devices or print direct to any printer

    android imho has far surpassed apple in freedom of choice and ease of use and innovative devices.

    im going against the flow here but for me its android
    #18 Phill, Dec 21, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
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  19. Not sure I disagree, but he has apple anyway so easier just to stick rather than twist
  20. I agree with the majority here, iPad is the way to go. In face Apple make the best home computer stuff period, it's easy to set up, easy to use, reliable and it all talks to each other.

    Best combination is a Mac, iPad and iPhone all easy peasy
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