This is complete nonsense. Arrears of rent are a perfectly good reason for landlords to seek possession of a property, and tenants are evicted for precisely this reason every day of the week.
socialists aren't known for their advanced sense of humour, Andy. If I'm not on Pete's ignore list, I will be now
Now even I got the 'tone' of your reply and that's saying something, maybe it's the humour gene kicking in?
I recall reading that some leftist council somewhere had a policy of not evicting anyone who was in arrears. Now I know this is anecdotal and not up to standards of evidence, and therefore you will dismiss it :wink:, but it doesn't make it any less true.
Well, this will blow your mind....banks will actively avoid winding up a large company which has a good turnover, but heavy debt. Claim the debt (or part of it) back, winding up the company in the process and you remove the possibility of making any money from them in the future. For this exact reason many (if not all) PLC's run with large operating debts as a form of 'insurance policy' kind of like "Bankrupt us and you will never see your money again" the same rationale can be applied to council tenants in (minor) rent areas. Besides, if you evict someone from social housing you then have a duty to rehome them. Having spent the money on all of this admin, will the evicted tenant ever be profitable again? Better to keep them where they are and work on recovering the areas over time. There is only one thing worse in business than loosing money, and that's loosing the means of making money in the future
Oh, I thought the Christmas cards were a brilliant idea too. Ever noticed how the poorest families all see to be able to buy lavish expensive Christmas presents, as well as drinking and smoking, but seem unable to pay rent and bills?
On the radio this morning they were talking about people using payday loans for Christmas. While I appreciate money is tighter for some people than others, surely setting a stricter budget and setting a little aside for three or four months prior is better than paying a 2000% loan so little Charlie the chav can have an Xbox 4.
perhaps a little elitist stereotyping there...??? we all know microsoft havent released the xbox 4 yet.
and you Andy didn't notice that Pete didn't specify whether he was responding to the article in the link, bradders or Johnv..... (all firmly tongue-in-cheek of course)
Not so old boy. I have worked with councils in 3 different areas (not London admittedly), where I'd attend sites with the council and police, and change the locks while the tenants were being evicted. Some councils take a harder line than others; Wokingham were particularly keen on lobbing people on the street.
Xbox 4, play station 360, they are all the same.. I'll stick to using myface and spacebook on my phone.....