Name your favourite cocktail

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. and why's it called a cocktail?

    looking for something to add to my Baileys - other than brandy or crème de menth - although did sample an Irish Disco Biscuit last weekend - trawling on the internet found this, now where do I start

    Baileys Irish Cream Drink Recipes by Bar None Drinks
  2. Tetanka!

    (Basically vodka and apple juice, drink by the gallon)
  3. My favourite is the Singapore SlingBut too your Baileys.On that list are Mudslides. I got blotto on them one christmas in Antigua. three days to get rid of the hangover almost missed Christmas DayThere are three recipes but what they did in Antigua was tip all the alcohol into a blender filled it with Ice and turned it on. Turns out like a slush puppy. watch it they are very moreish
  4. Pint glass, one half pint of Stella, one bottle of Smirnoff Ice, top off with Red Bull, stirred :biggrin:
  5. Castrol R and methanol. :upyeah::biggrin:
  6. whiskey and Guinness
  7. Old Fashion - bulleit bourbon
  8. Claridge's Hurricane

    2 part dark rum 2 part white rum, blood orange puree, pineapple juice - dash of triple sec - dash of passion fruit
    #8 ronin, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
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  9. Cement mixer
  10. A white Russian, Vodka, kaluha, cream and milk
  11. a girl talks her boyfriend in to trying a new drink, she orders a salt shaker a baileys and shot of lime.
    first you put the salt your tongue then you drink the shot of baileys(mm, smooth, rich and very pleasant he thinks)
    finally he drinks the lime juice and the sharp lime juice hits his taste buds, then the baileys curdles,then the
    salty curdled taste turns into mucous triggering his gag reflex.
    being manly he swallows the foul tasting drink turns to his girl friend and asks what the freeking hell was that drink called?
    she smiles and says. Blow Job Revenge.
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  12. Dark and Stormy.........dark rum, ginger beer and ice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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  13. That sounds right up my street
  14. And that :)
  15. Margarita
    50% fresh lime juice
    25% Cointreau
    25% Tequila

    Drink and repeat :biggrin:
  16. One of the simplest things is just to add more Irish whisky to it. You sort of get a Baileys on steroids - less sickly and with more bite. Recommended. If you haven't got any Irish, chuck some Scottish at it. Who's looking?

    I like dry Martinis and they are simple to make: Tanqueray gin, show it some dry vermouth (Noilly Prat). Stir it with a lot of ice. Pour into glass with a twist of grapefruit, lime or lemon. Drink it quickly before it heats up.

    That should do you (especially if you unwisely try and drink 3 of them).
  17. All these drinks and so little time ! Must get on it earlier in the evening ! :biggrin:
  18. I must admit Baileys and whisky on a 50/50 ratio is great ! I can get very very drunk on that :upyeah: hic
  19. Greedy Bastard - vodka, blue Bols, peach schnapps and orange juice

    Shakey Jake - Taboo, Southern Comfort and lemonade

    Greenie Meanie - Scottish and Creme de Menthe
  20. port and crabbies
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