The world really has gone mad

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Muslim staff at M&S are allowed to refuse to serve customers who want to buy pork or alcohol. FFS.
  2. yes it try to refuse serving them though.
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  3. Easy - sack the lot of them.
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  4. If, after standing in a queue with your bacon, the person serving refuses to serve you does that mean you go to the back of another queue or a different member of staff comes to serve you ? Maybe we should have separate queues for muslims and non muslims ?

    If this is true (source please) it is outrageous.
  5. isnt that singling people out due to religion
  6. Well, it's in the Telegraph: M&S faces furious backlash from customers over Muslim policy - Telegraph

    I guess one should treat reports from any newspaper with some scepticism but it does seem likely that there is something behind this one. I could not see anything on the BBC webste, but thay probably have to put much more thought into how they present the news item for fear of choosing the wrong "slant" (although they might feel that this could help to direct fire away from them after thier recent decision to let the Islamist Mr Choudary comment on the Woolwich murder).
  7. got to be froth…...
  8. If a person knowingly takes a job which involves carrying out certain functions, for which they expect to be paid in the usual way, they should not expect their employer to 'let them off' those functions for no reason except the employee's claimed religious beliefs. It is not fair on other employees, it is not fair on customers or users, and it is not fair on employers. IMHO.
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  9. Doesn't equality mean no one should be disadvantaged due to their religious beliefs in the workplace?
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  10. or sexuality or gender or race or disability…...
  11. This is getting ridiculous isn't it? Other Supermarkets have already accommodated the special needs also (Morrisons/Asda)

    The separation of male and female students in the audience at some Universities is even more worrying.

    I am going to start a new religion where I am unable to work on Mondays......

    Could lose them business me thinks
  12. What's good for the goose ...............
  13. It's entirely possible for a large department store like M&S to rota staff with a genuine objection to handling pork or alcohol to work in other areas like the bakery or clothing departments.
    They will already employ people who for one reason or another cannot work in different areas through allergies for example so this is just an extension of that. Sadly stories about employers making reasonable concessions to their staff do not sell papers or lead to clicks on websites whereas nasty stoked up rubbish non stories like this do,

    As an aside it's not even a moslem issue, the same ruling applies to Jewish staff but the papers haven't started down that route. I have my suspicions why not, draw your own conclusions.
    Here's a much more positive story about moslems that didn't get the coverage this one has.
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  14. My son works at M and S.I will ask him when I see him next.
  15. My wife is dyslexic and has spent weeks looking for an S & M store to spend her gift vouchers
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  16. I was trying to highlight the lack of common sense in some corporate cultures. The flavour of religion is irrelevant to the point.
  17. Its all a bit overblown really. The till operator should of told the customer to go to Aldi and buy better champagne at a cheaper price.
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  18. I'm not sure what you mean by a "genuine objection to handling pork...". A person might object to eating pork themselves, but how can you have a genuine objection to someone else buying pork? Or to passing a package through a checkout? How could trying to impose your religious beliefs on someone else who does not share them ever be "genuine"?
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