A few years ago one of my customers sent an email asking me to " cascade the information to the operatives in the fulfilment centre" Marvellous stuff huh !
The Americans have a strange & irritating way of describing the process by which they either asked someone a question, or they checked something with someone: "I reached out to.......(the person's name then follows)" I sat through a meeting with counterparts from the US who persistently used this expression. I finally made a comment when a man from New Jersey said, "I reached out to the guys in Atlanta." I just had to reply, "You must have long arms to reach across so many states?" This was followed by blank looks all round. I guess I didn't reach out to them...? Another pet hate is the pretentious use of the word 'absolutely' when a simple 'yes' is required as an affirmative reply. This is another favourite of the Americans, and is a great source of entertainment when winding them up over it.....
Any marketing phrase where you just wonder if some grossly overpaid twat has been employed purely to sit around thinking of shit sentences - especially when employed by a company who should use the money on their job rather than fucking bullshit phrases. 'South Dibbleshire Police. Justice with courage.' Because we DO have an option which force we want to show when we dial 999. Oh, it'll take how long? Maybe if you employed more bobbies doing the bleeding work and less people making up stoooopid marketing catchphrases you'd be here sooner then??
Get closure. I had an ex who wanted to have a Dear John phone conversation so that she could "get closure". I felt I was being re-org'd out her life. I was right.
2 I hate: Totes Devo - Totally Devastated and people who actually say LOL.....as in really say it. And the one I like for people who actually say this?...FUCK OFF!