Les Mis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Off to see it again this Saturday. Treat for the missus as its her birthday... Got it on Blu Ray, which is fackin awesome!... Anyone been?...
  2. No but my daughter is into her dancing and singing and watches the film version with Hugh Jackman all the time, quite cool .
  3. Saw it, that's a few hours of my life I'll never get back. What a load of shite!
  4. Wow..........Your daughter is friends with High Jackman? Cool. Send him my regards :smile:
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  5. Missus went to see it with her chick mates. It wont be under the christmas tree this year..
  6. I watched it purely for Anne Hathaway, mmmmmm Anne Hathaway........
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  7. been to the west end a million times went to a live evening a party in the park with a lot of the ten years stars in, went for matt lucas and alfie bow stunning live show i never get bored of!!!

    I think the singing in the film lets it down a bit apart from colm wilkinson….and it helps if you have seen the west end show to appreciate the second film…..
  8. No that's HUGH , regards sent.
  9. I actually enjoyed it.
    its great watching it with a bird.
    they get all goooey afterwards :)

    and hathaway.....just ooooooooòh
    #9 Phill, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
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  10. and this time of year you watched it with........ a turkey? Stuffed?
  11. not at that material time...

    but...later...yes...good and proper :p

  12. Ha my one told me to switch this shit off then "forced me" to watch original Carrie as it is way better then the new remake. Must agree.
  13. so shes into chick flicks then lol
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