There's nothing on

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. It's strange, but over the Xmas period, the TV goes downhill amazingly.
    There is literally nothing on worth looking at it seems to me, whereas generally there are a few programmes that I find interesting.

    Is this because I loathe light entertainment?

    I'm not overly bothered - there are no end of things I've recorded I can look at, but it's a bit sad. You'd have hoped they would have especially interesting things to look at during this period. Of course, I'm not actually switching on in the middle if the afternoon. Maybe it's all on then.
  2. Have you looked at your phone recently????????????????
  3. I have, and a reply is coming right up!!! :smile:
  4. What you like!!!!!!!!!! I sent it bloody days ago ;-)
  5. Some people might get a Christmas card from me soon....
  6. 57 channels and nothing on.

    Agree with you on light entertainment, except Strictly :upyeah:
  7. Only 57?! Where do you live, columbia?!

    Inbetweeners Movie here..always worth a giggle
  8. Bruce Springsteen :upyeah:
  9. It needs a decent scratch around the nether regions of I player et al, to unearth those interesting off beat documentaries, as you say lacking this year, even more thn usual.
    ive resorted to ' a good book', to fill those gaps(days) when there is naff all on. TV -it's bad this year, and the worst for many years I reckon.

    I remain a Harry Potter film virgin.......

    Not even any royal institute lectures( not that ive found yet anyway)

    good documentary today, the Africa one, with two giraffes having a right go at each other. Albeit a repeat....
  10. From the title of the thread, I thought there were going to be some interesting pics!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. An OK film, but more Americanised bullshit tho', the CIA dude was actually a drunken arse, the Kiwi's and Canadians did most of the work, and took the risks, plus the Iranians had no idea it was happening until they (the embassy staff) got home.
  12. Argo - very average forgettable propaganda style film. I saw it in the US. Captain Philips is another one.

    What are we meant to learn from these films - that America is brilliant and wise and creative and powerful and... just best?
  13. Not a fan of Ben Afflick but it was something to watch

    Fancy a horror tonight
  14. facepack and mirror should do it ;-)

    In my best King Arthur away
  15. Spent most of the night playing COD BO II on my sons old Xbox. Forgot how poor I was at this....but beat everything on tv
  16. Could I recommend jumping on YouTube and watching the oz Clarke and James may series? All damned good programmes

    James may and oz Clarke drink to Britain

    James nay and oz Clarke French wine adventure

    James may and oz Clarke American wine adventure.

    It's also worth watching Jeremy clarkson "meet the neighbours"
    #18 philoldsmobile, Dec 28, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  17. And The Italian Job tonight makes everything all right-again. Phew.

    except for the treatment to those e-types .......
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