Royal Mail - Fuck You!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Fitzjnr, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Posted a Christmas Card and Wedding Anniversary Card to my Mum in 18th Dec with 30.00 HMV and 50 BHS Vouchers inside. This morning the cards turned up minus their contents.

    I have been to see the postmaster who gave us a complaint form and apologised and suggested we let Royal Mail do an investigation. We didn't take insurance but even if we had of done it would have been useless as the cards arrived and we would have a job proving the contents were missing.

    We have called BHS and they have confirmed 35.00 of the 50.00 has been spent, they will stop the other 15 and send us a credit for that and put it all in writing to see if that will help in our claim.

    What really boils my piss is the scum Royal Mail employ at Christmas.

    So to whichever man or woman stole my stuff, I hope if beings you nothing other than bad luck. I hope you are found, your genitals doused in petrol and set alight. Because if I find you, I will rip your arms of and beat you to death with the soggy ends.

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  2. 6/10 :smile:
  3. A disgrace for sure.
  4. We received an envelope that had been 'opened' at some stage

  5. Yep nothing new, on X-mas it happens much more as they hire loads of temp workers to deliver mail.

    A suggestion RM get your office staff, all the managers, supervisors, senior managers to get out there you know trusted people and do what I bet is in their job description.

    Let the cleaners run the office for a day or two ;)
  6. BTW many people want to do X-mas mail delivery purely for that reason. They get paid and nick vouchers, cash and small valuables.

    TEll me if you do it roughly smart just nicking the few obvious one's how can they be cought?
  7. I'll settle for that ET. I was going to let go a bit more but did not want to over egg it, I was expecting a 3/10 so your 6/10 cheered me up a bit.

    My wife pointed something out before too, ok we lost 80 quid and it stings BUT had it been my mum who had sent us gifts she could not have afforded to try to get another present. My mum and Stepdad live on a tight budget and the BHS voucher was to get her a winter coat she had her eye on, so I will now drive from Herts to Walkfield and buy it with her.
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  8. Good lad. That made me smile :upyeah:
  9. That's an easy 7/10 for me ;-)
  10. em that's theft, don't stand for them "investigating " themselves, report the theft to the police and then contact the r/mail and demand comp quoting your crime number etc. don't let the bastards away.
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  11. I'm like the Craig Revell-Horwood of the forum and always mark as I feeel necessary in order to bring future rants up to the required standard. :wink:
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  12. I hope your Craig Revell-Horwoodisms are limited to your scoring of rants, I’ve not thought of you as flouncing about like a nancy but you never know :upyeah:
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  13. Dahhhhrling……..
  14. A few years ago the Swiss chocs I sent my folks never arrived.

    Post person: What have we here? Ah! Chocolates! From Switzerland! The Swiss know how to make a chocolate. That'll do nicely!

    That taught me not to scrimp on unregistered post.
  15. Used to work for Royal Mail years ago... You are right!... Thieving cnuts!
  16. I remember back in the 70's dad was a liberal councillor and due to the letter bomb threat I was not allowed to pick up the post - however my friend and I used to post each other penny chews

    Looking back I now realise why so many envelopes came back empty or never made it
  17. That's who you remind me of..... :p
  18. I put any money or store card into a bubble wrap envelope as it's difficult to feel what's in there and hopefully deter it being pinched.

    It's easy to feel through a normal envelope for cards
  19. I've sent 6 parcels to my sister in the US over the last 2 years and not one of them has arrived. It didn't ever cross my mind that the post office workers would be thieving the contents.

    Jack bastards.

    I lost £300 worth of contact lenses in the last 2 months too, they left my house from my missus and never arrived at my sisters to be forwarded here.
  20. I'm waiting for a vinyl record from USA. missing believe lost. Luckily covered by ebay/paypal but still a pisser and the sender may suspect me of receiving it and lying to get refund.
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