"Going forward, we need to leverage* the synergy of our cross-functional strategies in order to facilitate our full potential." * as in the American pronunciation but said by an English person.
Any company that says that should soon be going to the wall. It means they can afford to employ people to spout mumbo jumbo instead of getting any work done. This is a bad sign.
Why didn't he just say, "to be more productive we need to concentrate on working together" that would be too easy!
When a politician says"lessons have been learned" following the latest disaster they have presided over.
Well it's actually "sayings or words" that annoy you and half the time I can't understand what they're trying to say, other than "look at me"
I disagree, some are pretty desperate especially when they have to be mis-spaced or manipulated with bolts to say something obscure. however, I own two plates one dates from 1945 and one from 1953. one is my three initials and two numbers which I know is a bit vain but as it was so difficult to get my exact initials. it's quite rare, historic, and I like it. The second has three letters and three 1's which again I like. Both have significantly risen in value over the 20+ years I have owned them so a bit like having money in the bank, but I understand many really seem to hate them, for me it's all a part of being a motoring enthusiast, not trying to show off.
Mac are you a conscript to The General? I used to work for them and was one of the few, in my original company who GE took over, who actually preferred working for them. That said the BS is BIGTIME. Web safety courses for everything from nuclear safety to defensive driving was mandatory every year and I never worked with unclear (sic) and preferred to drive on the left when I'm home, the whole DD course ass-oomed that everywhere drove on the right. Then their was the annual appraisal, what a PIA that was and it had big time implications as well as the TLAs (3 letter acronyms) they had so many that there was a place on the intranet where you could look them up. And don't get me started on the quality stuff with the Black Belts and Master Black belts, projects and another whole level of BS terminology for phrases that could be stated more succinctly in plain English. I still liked working for them enormously as an engineer, all the info you wanted about almost anything job related was available and the access to mathematical models of the machines was superb. Apologies a bit Off Topic I know John