
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Well I suppose someone had to eventually have the above title. Shame its me but there you go .
    Started last week and what with crimbo :mad: Went to chemist today (as dentist closed) and got painkillers and orajel.
    Spent early this morning swigging brandy coz the whiskey has gone. Even thought of going down to the shed and finding the biggest set of fuck off pliers and ripping the offending gnasher out.knowing my luck I'd have slipped and smashed some more porcelain.
    Role on Monday . :upyeah:
    Look on the bright side it aint you. :wink:
  2. I hate toothache (stating the obvious I know). Only earache is worse in my book.
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  3. Had an abscessed root canal flare up one weekend, after 2 foils of Neurofen in 4hrs, it was either suicide or self help, self help it was, so got a jet drill and drilled out the tooth myself, the relief when I finally broke thru was immense, indescribable and stank to high heaven, my dentist said I did a great job.
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  4. I concur with Rob. I had tonsillitis which spread to my ear. The pain was much much worse than an abscess under the tooth. It was unbelievable. Ive never had pain like that. Ever. Plus I was deaf for a month or two.

    Sods law says toothache occurs when everything is closed. Get yourself to a walk in surgery and get some antibiotics. Pronto.

    NZ Dave is a nutjob and would be my candidate for the role in Marathon Man, should it ever be remade.
  5. Orthodontic pain has been fairly extreme and couple that with 4 extractions, at times it was ferocious. I feel sorry for anyone who has to put up with that pain except for one guy I know. He does some local DJ work and his breath has the odour of a freshly manured field. Johnny Stinkbreath is what we call him and I wish to god he'd have an abcess or 2 then we'd no longer have to tolerate that god awful stench.
  6. Sympathies from me to

    Worse than child birth -

    had mine taken out and implants put in
  7. Are you talking about teeth, or something else!!!
  8. ibuprofen every 4hours with paracetamol every4hours in-between. no luck . .
  9. Its manageable so far , just the odd pang , probably worse getting told of by the missus all the time for the sucking air in to chill the son of a bitch. Soon be Monday then I'll be £90 lighter in a happy way.
  10. NZDave Your hard core mate:upyeah:

    I operated on an abscessed tooth once whilst I was up in the Himalaya's. I was in so much pain that the decision to do it was a no brainer. I heated up a long sewing needle which was the only tool I could find with a cigarette lighter to sterilize, it and stuck it into my gum about 1" until the pressure was relieved. It turned out very successfully, and I didn't have any further trouble with it for another 25 years.
  11. Tramadol...........if you have got any of these babies lying around then I would recommend them. They are the cure of all pain and reality ! :cool:

    Hope your pain goes soon PJ.
  12. If you dial 111 and let them triage you,they can refer you to an out of hours emergency dentist in most counties, don't be put off by the press,it is good service in most areas and the call is free.
  13. Only problem is, he lives on Craggy Island !
  14. You have my sympathies.
    Last toothache was only bearable for a short period if I constantly swilled water around it. Fortunately got to a dentist almost immediately and he drilled away in, what he considered looked like a healthy tooth.
    We were both pleased when he announced "Well, the good news is there should be blood everywhere by now, but all you've got in your tooth is something that looks like old engine oil".
    Dead nerve = decay = gas with nowhere to go = pressure = a lot of pain.
  15. what I need is a thin walled spark plug socket , extract and see if I have a spark ---- shit sorry wrong thread ouch.
  16. I once had an abscess under a root which was absolute agony, worst I've ever known. The dentist was drilling and drilling away trying to find the root canal. When he eventually broke through into the canal, the pressure was so great the pus literally spurted out of my mouth and into the dentist's face. He had to go and disinfect his own face before he could carry on with the treatment.
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  17. te he you spurted in the dentists face.....:biggrin:
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  18. Get some oil of cloves. Put it on the affected tooth. Amazing stuff. Or some sensor yen toothpaste and dab some on the tooth
  19. Mine actually turned out to be from an old injury 15 years before, broken and capped teeth, nerve died and rotted away, but teeth looked/felt good. Eventually the bone of my top jaw started rotting away, this was the problem, needed major op to remove affected bone and replace, was above top front teeth and up under/behind nose area. I've also had bad ear ache as well, burst ear drums 3 times, undiagnosed glue ear until 15 y.o., grommets at 15. As painful as it was, the toothache was worse, hurt to breath past the teeth, hurt to touch the teeth, hurt not to touch them as well, was really considering fixing it with the shotgun.
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