
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bootsam, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. 1. What an ugly pile of shi-ite !
    2. It is in no way road-legal : apart from anything else there's no front mudguard...
    3. What an UGLY pile of SHI-ITE !
  2. Well written advert for a knuckle draggers bike.
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  3. Can't polish a turd
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  4. I can see the advantage in this sort of bike.

    If you stacked it in a hedge, you wouldn't care. It wouldn't look a lot different, or worse.
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  5. Already looks like it's run into the back end of a bus... Not a pretty sight!
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  6. Actually you can

    Not in the case of this shitty little bike mind!
    #9 Phartycr0c, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  7. looks like a right bit ofHill Billy engernering
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  8. If you don't have a front mud guard and you ride in the wet, you get very messy. This is a fact known to me.
  9. 17 bids lol. I'm surprised.
  10. I'm not - some people will buy any old crap off e-bay...
  11. Especially with a swing arm that's clearly too short. All that power and only one direction to flip the bike in.
  12. I disc at front too for a gsxr 1281...hahaha
  13. look's like the left-overs from another build
  14. £2k plus for that pile of shite? Are they fucking demented? :rolleyes:
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  15. aahh Yes.

    Or they have all been watching Mad Max films.
  16. If the vendor offered it to me for nothing if I collected it, I wouldn't bother.
  17. I think one of his bidders is bidding up the price on his behalf.
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