Has anyone else seen the adverts for the tv programme about "creative dog grooming" ? Seriously... WTF ? It's just a bunch of really dumb Americans (an one really stupid Brit) spray-painting their poodles ! Total, utter shit !
I gave my little terrier a Mohawk haircut one day . He looked proper hard din ee like .don't ya know don't ya know, ffs. Init
Seeing that they see fit to screen "Don't tell the bride" or whatever the crap is, nothing now surprises me. What does surprise me is that people can't think of anything better to do than look at these programmes.
I was trawling through the channels to see what was on and saw Doggy Styling, I thought I'll have bit of that, the missus said it wasn't the porn programme I thought it was. Shame!!!!:biggrin:
I do wonder what sort of market research group , the tv execs are using for their programme buying/commissioning. This one must be a real minority sport, ticking some sort of PC box, for the tiny minority who would sue, if their human rights were denied the exposure to this programme. makes me want to go out and cut the grass, it really does.
There is some argument that these TV shows are a new way of re-enforcing class separation. The middle class know how to behave/dress/raise kids/spray paint dogs and the lower classes need education in how to try and be middle class. The TV presenters are the un-marked middle class, whom you are invited to join with to educate the lower class participants. It's a similar idea to the books published in the early 1900's that told one what to buy to put in one's house or how to act to present one's best character. Written for the working class by the middle class.
jeez. fat pikey weddings, northerners with spray tan and vacuous dress sense, posh twats who've ignored their advantages and gypo c*nts from romford. Now we have dogs tarted up like bet lynch. Its a fucking dog. Throw it a ball and let it roll around in the mud ffs. We need a war so that we can send these c*nts to the trenches for the good of mankind.
Well someone must be watching all these god awful programmes, cos otherwise they wouldn't get screened.
I am proud to report that, despite my having looked at my fair share of TV over the years, I have never seen an episode of Eastenders, Coronation St, Crossroads or Emmerdale Farm. I don't know who the characters are and I don't care.
They are all god's little creatures including the idiots that own them. I am surprised the bloody dog's don't bite them for making them look so stupid. Regards Steve
Except that these programmes appear to be doing the exact opposite - seems to me that they are doing their best to drag everyone down to a common lowest level. Let's all aspire to be "Joey Essex" shall we ? Unable to even read an analogue watch and reveling in our own stupidity. FFS, this is spray-painting dogs... It's a new low in television crap !
If you look at the viewing figures for the Xmas period you will find millions of people watched crap on television.They can't all be morons,can they?Have people lost the art of making their own entertainment,what happened to hobbies? Sorry for very small rant!
slightly better option that dressing their kiddies up for talent contests just glad I don't need to interact with these people in real life
I'd like to spray paint them. The worst is the parents that take their kids to pageants Vile Dress up their kids like bride of chucky .. Sterilise them and buy the morons a girls world head.
I think you'd be surprised just how moronic many people are. They often sound basically plausible on the surface, but when you dig a tiny bit... Hobbies died out with the advent of full time electronic gadgetry, home video games and the interweb. It's easier to check your FB or madly text than it is to knit a jumper. Reading has gone the same way.