
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bootsam, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. It's a German stubby style street fighter not very well executed at all.

    But someone will pay stupid money for it ..
    1. For the engine
    2. For paint job

    I agree it's pig ugly as a build but it would go to someone who just sees it goes fast and has Alien stuff on it !

    Or it will be ripped apart for parts
  2. The swing arm is stupid short it needs a longer swing arm .
    The seat unit is abysmal.
    Rip that right of it's too bulky and angled way to high .
    Brakes are inadequate .

    The aim is for a short bodied bike but not shortening in the wheel base like that Ffs .

    Things used to be done subtly as per built in a shed designed down the pub saying.

    But now :( the aim is to it appears to be shove as much tat as you can on and Leary paint .

    The black one here is better done where as other picture to me is a dogs dinner cross tarts handbag vomit fest ...

    Funny thing is I now prefer very simple less is more bikes ....

    But go to a bike show you could have a lovely Cafe Racer and that red pile of bleugh and that red pile of Bleugh would have the crowd round it and take BIS :( :( :( I despair
    The simple looking cafe racer with lots of clever engineering bits all subtlety done would not be looked at.[​IMG][​IMG]
  3. I feel a new year project coming on.They look fantastic.
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