I don't understand what exactly you mean by a "no junk mail" sticker. Are you expecting the postie to look through the items addressed to you, pick out the ones which (from the outside) look like "junk", and throw them in the dustbin? Good luck with that. Personally, I would rather decide for myself how much of the mail I get is junk.
I mean all the unsolicited junk - the stuff that they cram into the mailbox. The stuff that's NOT addressed to me... "Junk mail" is a fairly well understood term.
I seem to get loads of junk mail. It doesn't particularly bother me as I stoop down to pick it up from the floor and put it straight into the recycling bin. What irritates me is the sheer waste of materials. I imagine the amount of trees that have been felled to provide it, the fuel used in it's manufacture and delivery, and the efforts of the postman, who I should I imagine have an obligation to deliver it. What an appalling waste of our resources!
Pretty obtuse comment. Its lovely that you wish people ' good luck with that' - if only i could be sure that it was heartfelt. Its pretty obvious to me, and no doubt others, what he meant, the stuff that RM is paid by businesses to cram through the letter box - unaddressed. OP - Royal Mail will ignore those stickers ( as you've found out!), you have to positively opt out, which means they have to keep a log at the local sorting office who has opted out - naturally they don't make it easy to find the form you need to fill in and return, so that they comply with your wish. i will see if i can find the page/form later on. Meanwhile, if you google some key words, you may well find it quicker yourself on the RM website. Good luck with that ( and i mean that most sincerely folks).
Welcome. Won't stop everything, but every little helps- a few more trees saved in 2014…..can only be a good thing.
Cheers dude... I've e-mailed off for my form too. Just hope they don't deliver it to the wrong address !
I don't mind junk mail as it keeps printers in a job. And when I chuck it into the recycling bin I'm happy that it is supporting jobs in recycling. Win-Win :tongue:
No it isn't. Different people mean very different things by it. You seem to be pretty vague about what you mean by it, judging by your post. Royal Mail seem to avoid the term 'junk mail' altogether.
Thats hardly the shock of the century as its a part of their business from which they elicit revenue…... heres the business details, for interest. Door to Door gets your direct marketing message to more people | Royal Mail Group Ltd
There are "Pas de publicités" stickers you can get here for your mailbox, which I should imagine are quite well respected. I don't have one because once in a blue moon I find a piece of advertising interesting, in that it is for a product I am thinking of acquiring. It means that the posties won't put all the unaddressed advertising in your letterbox. You can call that junk mail if you like, but it's not really mail - just advertising brochures.
I'd sooner have junk mail. At least it's only one visit to the postbox per day, and at a time of my choosing.