Anyone having thermostat issues?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Speed_Triple, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. My 2013 MTS very occasionally takes a hell of a long time to reach operating temperature. on a hot day last summer it didn't rise above 53 degrees despite a spirited attempt at thrashing it to Snells and yesterday it only managed to get to 77 degrees in central London and was pulling about as strongly as a hamstrung dormouse.

    The first time Snells advised it may have been a one-off - and sure enough when I collected the bike a couple of hours later it was ok. No intervention was necessary.

    Yesterday it cleared itself again after I left it parked for a about five hours.

    I'd quite like the thermostat changed but feel i'll have an uphill struggle convincing a dealer that my warranty claim is genuine because of the intermittent nature of the fault.

    Anyone had the problem and/or any success getting a dealer to remedy it?
    #1 Speed_Triple, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2013
  2. Excuse my ignorance, but how would a thermostat issue manifest itself as power delivery issue? I thought they only opened up the expansion to coolant on demand. I understand that an engine most efficient at optimal temperature, but I have never noticed any lack of power when gunning it from cold. Possibly a different issue ?
  3. Cool engine temp, ECU limits power to save cold running engine wear.
  4. As I say, Ive never noticed as much. 100 meters down the road to the duel carriage way, pin the the throttle and I get no noticeable loss of power than if I had been riding the bike for an hour. ST mentions that on a summers hot day the temp never got above 53 degrees. Even with a thermostat stuck open, riding in summer would push the temp above that albeit, just more slowly. I wonder if the issue is more around cavitation/air, though typically circulation issues manifest as over temp if anything. A stuck closed thermostat should normally exhibit over heating issues .Both the thermostat and the temp sensor are simple enough to check with a pan of water and a multimeter, but then again on a 2013 bike it should not be the owner doing it :)
    #4 Psy69, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  5. try blocking off part of the radiator see if it runs hotter……….try warming it up stationary see if it reaches working temperature...
  6. Dealer reckons the problem is not that the thermostat is staying closed but that it's staying open.

    If it does it again I will take it in for examination - or if snow prevents me from riding. It's not worth being without the bike for such an intermittent problem that clears itself up. Only twice in eight months. Of course if it gets worse ...
  7. do you ever look at the temperature gauge. I'd never thrash a cold engine. Hot oil circulates better, limiting engine wear. But if the ECU prevents you from doing that anyway, as Dave says, perhaps you just don't ride as fast as you think you do! Lol
  8. Worth asking if they could make the claim and post it to you ?
  9. a thermostat is easy peasy to change and not that much money……..
  10. Quite possibly. Fast is subjective I guess :)
  11. This is unlikely, as I have tried this.
    Ducats view seems to be that the parts must be fitted by the dealer in accordance with their procedures, despite the fact they could have saved the labour costs to just supply the parts.
    I suspect part of this may also be to ensure any faulty parts are removed from circulation.

    Some parts get returned, I assume so they can examine Them. They could potentially reclaim costs from the suppliers, but I doubt they can be bothered.
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