Schumacher Critical In a Coma

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. I agree, that's a rough comment. I never supported him or even liked him as a personality but away from racing he is a loyal husband and a father like many others and this is a horrid freak accident.

    sounds like his condition will change over the next 24 hours; I imagine with this sort of injury things move quickly.
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  2. Yeah that's true, I've not even tried skiing so shouldn't pass comment. I'm sure some think it's a great winter sport.
    #22 1037sps, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  3. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, famous or otherwise.

    During his career, MS employed some tactics I didn't care for (e.g. The move on Damon Hill that won him his first world title), but love him or hate him, he was at the very top of his game for many years and entertained motor sport fans the world over (I.e. Was very very good at his job).

    I wish him a speedy and full recovery. His son must be devastated.
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  4. It's also very reasonable to suggest that without Schumacher Ferrari would still be a joke in F1 - his contribution to the sport was immense. I've never met him, but especially in his later years in the public eye he came across as a very likeable and down to earth family man.
  5. I hope he recovers and is still the same father, son ,husband his family knew. this shows the importance of a quality helmet ( if you've a £50 head you buy a £50 helmet ) im sure he was wearing the best money can buy so imagine the damage if he hadn't.
  6. If you don't like him, or skiing, then why the comment ?
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  7. here here clueless
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  8. cheers beers
  9. I wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he regains full health.

    but if he doesnt..

    a shumacher vs hawking wheelchair race would be a great crowd puller.
  10. Nice one Phill.....but you might have to join me at the "Forum members with Issues" clinic, in the new year !
  11. sorry wrong clinic

    the only issue ill have is a bad head for a couple of days after the party whoop whoop. :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
  12. Well you may not like him or skiing but it's still a fairly heartless comment you posted.
  13. Not wanting to write his obituary just yet, he changed the game - epic racer.

    Best wishes for a quick recovery.
  14. Very true. They have just said the accident would simply have been unsurvivable without a helmet. Perhaps this may spur some of the more backward American states to consider motorcycle helmet laws?
  15. I doubt it. how often do americans ride motorcycles down ski slopes ???
  16. Lol, very good. If any good can come of this horrible accident it would be the promotion of helmets in all high risk activities. Ski slope or road, a rock is a rock, and your head is your head.
  17. I doubt it somehow. How often does anything that happens in Europe ever shape things in the US? Never. That's how often.
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  18. I fear you are right, and the Americans familiar with M.C. are more likely to be sports bike riders, and more likely to already wear a helmet.

    Schumacher is probably one of the most famous sporting personalities in the world, so he'd have the best possible success with a 'helmet saved my life' campaign. I don't doubt for a moment that if he pulls through that type of campaign will happen, too.

    I'm planning on buying a push bike soon to get back into cycling, for the first time ever I'm not viewing the helmet as an accessory, but as a necessary purchase. After 50 + years of cycling my parents have just bought bikes in Spain. Helmets were part of the purchase for them as well.
  19. People fall over walking down the pavement, fall over, bang their heads and die. Should pedestrians wear helmets also ?
  20. Phil, the most likely accident you will have is with another road vehicle resulting in crush type injuries (heaven forbid) to which a helmet will not make the slightest difference.
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