2014 New Years Resolution

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. I'd planned to lose weight, but I reckon I've got too much on my plate
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  2. My new year's resolution has been the same for years. And as soon as Willoughby and Brook start returning my calls, it'll definitely happen.
  3. Willoughbooby will never return your calls. She fine as she is with me. :smile:
  4. I am prepared to fight to get what I want, y'know...
  5. You two should stop reading 'Heat' magazine.
  6. What about Razzle?
  7. Haven't you stuck enough pages together?
  8. I am going to be very firm with myself. The resolution is this. No more bloody bits on that bike. However I neeeeed a slipper clutch so that won't count.

    Regards Steve
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  9. Sounds like a firm of solicitors, wonder if they do much soliciting......
  10. I bloody well hope so:upyeah:
  11. Read more and maintain my fitness level. Oh and ride my bikes as often as I can :upyeah:
  12. I must stop perving bikes and daydreaming.However I can't be rude to the guy at BMW who has promised me a test ride on the new R Nine T,can I.:upyeah:
  13. Fed up of seeing these 'man caves' with all mod cons, i intend to sort mine out and put some heating into it. Empty it, clean it, paint it heat it.
  14. - loose about 0.5 stone.
    - Sort out the garden in the house, walls built, dirt taken out etc.
    - Sort out the condensation in my Garage before next winter, floor and roof insulation probably.
    - Be in less debt than I am now.
    - Think seriously about changing jobs to one I actually enjoy or at least have the potential to enjoy.
  15. I'm going to try and ride my mountain bike more (instead of Willoughby :wink: - Soz Fig).
  16. Improve my fitness level so I can complete 4 half marathons, three marathons and an ultra marathon (100km) - all power walking - to raise money for breast cancer research and treatment.

    Get out on my bike as often as possible (should not conflict too much with the above, all will be complete by end May).

    Ride to WDW 2014, enjoy myself, ride back.
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  17. None, never set any as I'll always break them.

    just crack on as normal and see what happens.
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  18. Try to keep my temper a little better and not have visions of me ripping the head of my ex wife's husband and shitting down the hole it leaves.
  19. Drop at least some of the 12kg I've gained this year. Fortunately I was in excellent shape (11% body fat) so I'm still only about average, but I was a hell of a lot better last year. If I can get down to 75kg or lower it will be ok, I don't think 68kg will be achievable - my nov 2012 weight.

    I aim to make 2014 the final year I work for my current employer too.
  20. .... giving up my electronic ciggy's, getting fitter and making andyb put more smiley faces on his posts...... instead of dots ! :smile:.......
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