Don't smack your kids !

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Fig I was from a broken home, bought up by my Father, I agree there are some superb parents out there who manage to do a great job bringing up their kids alone, however I do feel in a lot of situations an absent Father does contribute towards poor behaviour especially these days.

    I also think it's a generation thing, we were better behaved and respected our elders, kids now have more outside influences and are exposed to so much more, it's much tougher to keep them protected and on the straight and narrow.

    i think what has come out of this thread, even though there are many different opinions, it is bloody hard work being a parent!
  2. ......which is exactly what my parents and grand parents used to say, and no doubt all the way back to the days of worrying whether little Jonny was going to get in trouble with those Roman Legions coming round here bringing us roads, health, education...
  3. I think people should take the time but that it is their choice and they should take responsibility for that choice. How is this cop out ?
  4. If parents are all so much more enlightened and comparatively wealthier than our parents were, my question is why are kids these days considered to be more difficult to control, lacking in respect and selfish?

    If everyone's doing such a good job...

    Of course, feel free to argue that kids these days are in fact more respectful, more creative and intelligent and well-educated than we were at that age.

    When everyone is so terrified of corporal punishment, what, exactly are they afraid of? Sending their kid to hospital? Traumatising them and ruining their later life? Or not being loved back enough?
    As regards corporal punishment in schools, was abuse of it rife? I have only my own anecdotal experience from my school, where it was a last resort (after lines, essay-writing, detention, a 3 mile run) or for serious offences.
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  5. Kids are kids, same as they've always been, and parents are parents, ditto. Nothing has changed. Maybe kids are better dressed these days, and better fed, but they're still empty vessels into which we must pour knowledge and experience. Trouble is, although we should be better parents, with much better access to professional advice and equipment, the truth is we are still just as nervous and clueless as new parents always have been. Nothing much has changed at all over the years.
  6. Ask yourself: why should we have improved at parenting when we haven't improved, as mankind, at anything else meaningful?! Its a more selfish, materialistic, self-centred world than Ever.

    In fact, we have become more child-centric than ever. Done us no good tho
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  7. The only thing that has increased is selfishness and greed, bad habits borne out of poor control...don't spare the belt:wink:
  8. I will take your word for it Pete, you obviously have more experience of the Mail than I do :wink:
  9. Their website is free, and I read articles on it most days. Many are the most appalling rubbish, but occasionally there is a genuine piece of good journalism.
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  10. here is my thoughts, if they need a smack give them a smack. not a sausage wrong with it. better than shouting and balling. and a time and a place. i think i know the difference between a lesson and abuse.
  11. Don't buy smack off your kids - but it's ok to buy off their mates
  12. my wife works in a school, there is no way of backing up discipline. if the child that needs disciplining flips them the big V and also if the parents are also alike to Vicky Pollard, I don't agree with excess force, but had the cane at school more than a few times, it did teach me one thing a lot of youngsters don't have and that's respect, children also know just how powerful they are and also know their rights at a very early age,
    after a very messy divorce my eldest reported me to the police for assault, I was interviewed by the police, who thank god realised the ex was pushing her to do this, and all I did was literally pulled her shoulder round as she walked away from me, I was told by the police that if you even lay 1 finger on a child that can be deemed as assault.

    bring back hanging lol :upyeah:
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  13. If you had a son that's been a heroin user for over half his life. That kind of thing is less than amusing. I was about to say I've been waiting for a call or the police to turn up one day for over 18 years to give me the news no parent wants to hear. When I realised my parents have been expecting that call for 40 years. Because I ride motorcycles .
    Life is strange ...... Init like
  14. dude, i have lots of v.good friends who fell foul to the hard stuff not one of them started out bad. just wrong place wrong time. but i know the head fuck that comes with it.
  15. Sad, but true in many many cases
  16. Why the big debate about smacking then if that is the case?
  17. But it's ok to zap them with a defibrillator ?

    My brother was a hard drug user - he's now a Lecturer of Archeometolagy

    My friends sister was a heroin addict - she's been sectioned for the past 20 years

    It was not meant as an statement
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  18. maybe we need to define smacking, for me thats a slap on the hand when poking there finger in a lecky socket, or a slap on the arse when oldest insists on bearing it when trying to lecture.
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