So who is still at home quiet drink glad when its all over…….

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Kinks on jools...geezer cant sing?!! Destroyed
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  2. Birthday yesterday (31.12) and find the whole thing rather depressing tbh - all a bit melancholic (? spelling). Glad it's now done and roll on the new year and some rideable weather!!
    Happy NY lol.
  3. happy new year ………….you mother fookers…..
  4. Did that earlier, like to end the year with a bang :wink:
  5. Happy New Year!:biggrin:
  6. some one metion cocktails. mines a chivas and gruse . cheers.
  7. Happy new year n all that :)
  8. Hope you all had a good evening and that your head feels better than mine does this morning.
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  9. Cheese and pineapple?
    Now that really is very Demis Roussos!
  10. And very 70's. Did you follow it with a Black Forest Gateau?
  11. And precede it with a prawn cocktail. Accompanied by either a bottle of Mateus Rose / Blue Nun and a party seven can of Watneys!
  12. And don't forget the Black Tower!
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  13. Babycham and spin the bottle afterwards?
  14. keys in a dish?
  15. I'll go and get my Afghan
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  16. Coat or dog?Happy New Year.
  17. or Taliban?
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  18. The vicar, in the black tower, murdered the nun, by striking her on the head with the tin of watneys. The vicars name? -mateus rose....

    cluedo anyone?

  20. how many do you know you call a dish……...
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