Cheeky b'std!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Following this old C90 today, tbh he was pillion'd up and riding it it cold damp weather like a sports bike so respect...until I saw it was a 63 plate. Blagging bugger! Someone somewhere is going to get some fines...
  2. What for riding like a tit, or for riding the Cub?
  3. They still make 'em you know.
  4. I wondered if it was a new, but dirty, Chinese copy or something but when I pulled along the side...nope. It was an old 'un
  5. Ahhh with you, he was running on fake plates. Cheeky bastard indeed. Somebody should warn the Honda Cub Forum....if such a place exists :upyeah:
  6. are there any c90 left that have not been stolen
    one of the easiest bikes to bypass the ignition was shown by a 14 year old years ago lol
  7. Honda are making them again but not importing to the UK. I think our Licensing Laws limit the market
  8. Indeed, Honda make them in quite a number of countries around the world, as well as a raft of Chinese and Indian copies. I'm going out on a limb and going to guess abs and cats prevent them being sold in the UK.
  9. I'm betting it's emissions...
  10. My experiences of 125s runs to an SS Honda; a Bantam; and a Lambretta.........that Honda was the best piece of early Jap cr*p I ever owned even if it was for only about 9 was so much in demand, I sold it for twice what I paid for it....
  11. I'm informed my old CB125RS still exists. It's now 31 years old.
  12. Occasionally see my old Yamaha DT125LC knocking about, its a 1983 model that some old dear destroyed and wrote of in 1996!
  13. ..and resurrected 18 years later. Motorcyclists 1 : Lazarus 0
  14. I know someone who rode about on a YZ465 motocrosser for a couple of years.
    The passing nod to legality consisted of the numberplate and sidepanel stickers from an old RD250.
    Got pulled a couple of times by the Filth,but they only ever seemed interested in the awful racket it made.
    (those old air-cooled 2 strokers did make a bit of howl ....)
    Happy days.....:biggrin:
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