Just for you Fig - Merry Xmas 2014!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

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  2. She's got a funny shaped bum!... Not that I'm complaining!!
  3. Can't we all enjoy this? Our lovely ladies excepted, and I'm sure Fig won't mind too much!
  4. She's not getting on my bike with that belt on! :eek:
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  5. I never got a Stocking , can I have one of those please ? I won't tell anyone honest :wink:
  6. While they were photoshopping, they could have removed the shadow, though.
  7. He gets in everywhere

    I doubt she is very hirsute but I'd watch out for the hot pipes to
  8. Having now identified that the photo comes from the Holly Brook calendar, and that they only had 13 pictures in a year to deal with, I am even more amazed that they didn't tidy up the photos by removing the obtrusive shadows. It's really amateurish in this day and age.
  9. The shadow makes her tits look bigger...[​IMG]
  10. I've looked at this picture at least half a dozen times and have only just seen the shadow ! Why r u lot looking at the shadow ? :biggrin:
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  11. I just love women looking like that its just fantastic. Oh what power you have to entice and let the male mind wonder away with its self. Saying that one night would do thank you very much. Any more and it would be lost in relationship shit and that would be such a shame.
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  12. What bike is that?
  13. Because I'm feckin gorgeous :upyeah:
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  14. Back off, she's mine :mad:
  15. Thankyou Shadow:upyeah:
  16. I just like bringing happiness to people :biggrin:
  17. Oh, and thanks Tel, it's my bestest prezzie ever!:biggrin:
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  18. Its Kelly Brook, not Holly, but she is indeed a fine looking woman

    just in case you weren't being sarcastic, its and 848 stealth and she's a fine looking bike
  19. Holly...Kelly.... something like that.

    An 848 eh?
    It is a great photo. There probably wasn't any point bothering with the other months.
    Still, all a bit 2013 now, eh?
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  20. She doesnt know it yet but in 2014 she will be meet Mr Troy for one night only and I will eventually christen my car with her foot prints on the windscreen. Which I will instruct my valet guy not to clean off.
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