Stupid is what stupid does

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    What a bright idea it was to eat this :( not :(
    A nice taste hot as hell but ok....
    Count to ten .. The whole house fell apart laughing as I downed half a pint of milk 2 yoghurts and a can of coke .

    I think it's one below police grade pepper spray my friend said.
    Don't know if it's true.

    Day 2 .. Mouth still burning
    Washed my hands many times .
    Rubbed my eyes and lord of mercy !!
    You can't touch anything !!!

    And I love chilli sauce.

    This is worse then the menthol Shower gel mix up of 2013
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  2. be very careful where you men would be fecked as our first and continuous instinct is to scratch our fact the instinct is so strong that even post op trans sexuals still try to scratch their balls when they wake up.
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  3. I use that as eye drops :tongue:
  4. So you have carried out a study of this phenomenon?
  5. nope dear.
  6. ok yes I have.
  7. That sauce is about 800,000 Scoville units, according to their website.

    Weapons grade pepper spray starts at 2,000,000 and goes to around 5,000,000 Scoville units.

    I've had the Hell's Inferno sauce which is reportedly 1,000,000 Scoville units, and that made my lips swell and my mouth numb for about an hour!
  8. i see its Blairs hot sauce………….did he honestly believe that there were genuinely chillis there that could harm the world…….
  9. I've been pepper sprayed…..
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  10. I've sprayed a few people!

    All for entertainment.

  11. with pepper spray?
  12. Rub olive oil on your hands, this will help get rid of the heat if you're daft enough to rub your eyes
  13. Did you put it straight on your food like tabasco sauce? That looks seriously hot, it's a peper extract and is supposed to be added to curries or stews, I found that out the hard way too. I put a tiny drop of "Daves insanity sauce" (Google it) on my finger just to see what it was like, I ended up rolling around on the floor crying my eyes out and pouring milking down my throat, it took 2 hours before I could talk! Respect.
  14. Amongst other things!

  15. Yes tried that as well !!! DOH !
  16. I once discharged cs spray and then went for a pee.
    brought a tear to little phills glass eye.
  17. You should've got her to wash it first (or lick it through cling-film)
  18. I ate it straight never again !![​IMG]

    The worst sposed to be Blair's 16 million capsicum crystals ...
    Insanely expensive and I think now illegal over here ....
    Your looking at £300 a vile up !!!
    Il will not be going Any hotter .
  19. that must be strong stuff if it can do that just by putting it on your finger!
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