Come on guys, where is common sense, balance and reason? Art students are not members of the public, FFS, they turn into people who make a huge amount of money from shit, piss and dead animals. Otherwise, the ossifer would not have been chewing gum in an offensive and fascist manner.
How anyone can continue to think that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear after seeing this is beyond me.
This threat is entirely imagined. How many people do you know, I mean actually know and have met and interacted with in real life, that have been affected by anti-terror laws? And how many people do you think as a forum collective of maybe 2000 users we can come up with? Out off all of the relationships 2000 people have in the real world (that was for you andyb), out of that huge number, I bet not one single person has been affected. And even if one or 2 people have been affected, its still 1:fuck all. Every piece of evidence provided so far is what somebody has told you. What someone else told another someone else, who wrote it down and you read it or saw it or heard it. Its shite. Anti-terror laws can be misused but will mostly be used to fight against a modern terrorist threat, which in itself is pretty small. All this up in arms shite about the NSA reading your emails. Who cares. They've been doing it for years, and what has happened to you? Nothing.
Yes Tom but it might , that's what these guys are worried about , it might, or rather it might be happen to anyone , being a terrorist doesn't come into it , they are worried because it's pushing the boundaries of what is legitimate. Of course if you make it a legal compulsory law they'd be up in arms over people evading it. The trouble with democracy is it gives the opportunity to complain about something which is going to keep you safer, it's a case of don't look in my drawers there's nothing there. Well there won't be for 99% of the population , but guys it's the 1% that want you dead , not just given a slap but dead and that's regardless of who else is in the way , woman children , even unborn children. Complete democracy is a hell of a price to pay for that , if the trade of is your affair could be discovered then so be it.
As someone who was a Young Socialist, took part in the Peoples March For Jobs, and attended the Greenham Common protests, there's probably a file on me somewhere
Why would there be? You demonstrated about some stuff that you disagreed with. Did you try and harm any one or commit any criminal acts? No one cares that you protested. They would only find out if you did something NOW and they then looked in to your past. You've heard of defence vetting and security clearance? If they kept a file on everyone who had ever done any thing slightly naughty in the eyes of the government then why does it take a full year to interview your old head teacher, all your work mates and your family just to find out if you can have a security clearance?
I've got nothing to hide anyway, I'm a boring reactionary champagne socialist these days Sadly the youth of today are more obsessed with buying a Macbook Air than being subversive revolutionaries.
So the actions of the this CSO was reasonable ? Call up 4 full plods to deal with an art student whose only crime was not to treat the CSO with the respect he thought he was entitled to ?
My internet connection isn't good enough to watch Youtube videos, so I'm afraid I can't really comment on this.
Tom, they are using this legislation to ban kids from street corners, stop peaceful protests and didn't they use it to clear the protesters from London before last years olympics? It is being used and abused daily, and affects us all. Go try and take a picture of 10 Downing St, and see what happens
No, I would say it is law that has gone too far. The whole point is that this is not about democratically controlled organisations it is about organisations that are acting totally beyond democratic control, oversight or even in some cases the law.
He's the boyfriend of the journalist that had a bunch of leaked, top secret, national security documents. Of course they seized his laptop. Ive got a laptop and it hasn't been seized once by the authorities. How many times has your laptop been seized bradders? How many times has anyone that you personally know, that isn't the boyfriend of the receiving journalist of top secret, stolen documents been seized? None times. There's load of youths standing on the street corners in my town and the anti terrorism police have never come down and moved any one along. No 10 Downing Street is the FUCKING PRIME MINISTERS HOUSE!!!!!! Of course its a target for terrorists and you probably shouldn't take pictures of it. You can come take a picture of my house all day long and although you probably will get arrested in the end, it won't be for anti-terrorism laws. This is a complete joke.
Ffs its funny how when we were be bombarded by IRA cycle bombs you could, as a citizen and tourist alike, walk down DS and see where the Prime minister lived. Its like house of commons, iconic piece of histpry. Even after they were mortared they didn't close the street. Nope, that seemed to happen when Blair came into power and wanted to create his elitist non-elected house of cronies to control and make the citizens of UK submissive and complaint with thousands of new laws So i'm guessing Buck Palace shouldn't be photographed then? Or HoC? Where does it stop?
How long before you are no longer allowed to take pictures of Buckingham Palace? That would make a good terrorist target.