Hi All, A guy that I know asked me to translate this to him in to polish so he understands but frankly I do not understand what it means. Can someone explain? It just sounds like legal mumbling to me, I have no doubt it is correct and legal but what does it mean?
It would help if point 1 was actually written in grammatical English with the correct punctuation. As it stands, I don't know what it is trying to say.
Not sure, but from what I can fathom, the claimant hasn't filled out a part of a form or one of a set of documents correctly. They need to do so and resubmit it by the 20th Jan otherwise they will have to resubmit something. If this is not don't then they have until 20th March whereby any claim currently submitted will will be cancelled. I think. Lol.
It looks like somebody has made a claim to repossess something probably a flat or a house. It appears that there are 2 different versions to make the request and the person has used the wrong version thats what the paragraphs refer too.If the case is stayed it means it will be classed as dealt with and you cannot resurect it
Nearly. If the case is stayed that means suspended, put on ice, but it can be resurrected ("restored"). If the case is struck out, that means classed as dealt with and you cannot resurrect it. Feel free to PM me or phone, if you wish Lucasz.
Here is a glossary of legal terms used by the courts, in English.: Glossary of terms - Legal No idea what the Polish equivalents are, sorry.
Pete I am not that bothered. That guy gets in all sorts of troubles and I do not get involved any more then transalting what I can.