BNP's Nick Griffin declared bankrupt

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. He has one of those faces you would never tire of punching
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  2. good.
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  3. Morally or financially?
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  4. Hope his creditors gt hold of him-preferably by the testicles.....
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  5. If you peel away the mask you'll find Dave underneath
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  6. It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy
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  7. Does this mean he cannot stand for election? I hope so.
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  8. Probably means he cant.

    BNP is what it is.

    I suppose the obvious question is why is it gaining more votes and popularity.

    what makes people vote BNP
  9. because the press keep up their shambolic story lines of mass immigration, and how our jobs are going to foreigners ect ect... What a load of bollox!... The Jeremy Kyle Brits don't want jobs as they have a cushy life!!...

    and back to the original topic - Nick Griffin is an azzhole... Pure and simple. Glad he's fucked his life up!
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  10. The best ironic twist is it's quite possible dept collector will not be British ;)
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  11. He can stand for election as long as he didn't do anything naughty in the process and behaves for the next year.

    There is no debt collector. That's the point of declaring yourself bankrupt.
  12. I cannot answer this question as I have never voted for them.

    Maybe a forum member who has voted for them could enlighten us?
  13. Or even UKIP ? ;)
  14. I take it we are not going to have a collection for him then ?
  15. Section 427 of the insolvency act 1986 makes it unlawful for a bankrupt to the elected to the House of Commons or to sit or vote in the same until the bankrupt obtains a full discharge. These days it takes a year minimum, but it can still take longer if there are matters that require addressing.

    If there is something like a pension in existence, the OR will keep an eye on it.

    There isn't a Debt Collector involved as such, but the Official Receiver will look at his assets (and where they went). If the OR decides there are sufficient assets, they can be to be seized and sold to go towards the Creditors (in whole or in part) usually with the Inland Revenue taking priority.

    A bankruptcy will show on a credit report for 6 - 7 years.
    #16 Ghost Rider, Jan 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2014
  16. I have a cousin who is active in BNP politics. He is white, lives in a deprived area, didn't do well at school, (although he did do some higher education eventually) and feels he belongs to a segment of society that has fallen through the cracks and has been badly let down by successive governments. He resents 'foreigners' coming to this country who take jobs or benefits at what he sees is his expense and who often get 'preferential' treatment. The BNP message is simplistic but resonates in his world. That the main parties refuse to have a debate around these topics and brands anyone who wishes to have that debate as 'racist' only adds fuel to the flames.

    I understand where he is coming from and have some degree of sympathy for his plight, but the BNP is not the answer.
  17. I wouldn't give him the shit off my arse, seeing as you're asking. By any other name, a Tory with a large C***!
  18. I thankfully havent got any shit to give off my arse.

    yours sounds like a F***ing big toffee apple.
    mrs greyman is so lucky :p
    #19 Phill, Jan 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  19. The BNP are more socialist than conservative. They believe in state ownership for starters.
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