So far so good....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. .......a good start to 2014...........

    Blood tests results in....................I haven't got diabetes!!! :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 10
  2. maybe all that alcohol over christmas was the secret cure?
  3. Nah...................

  4. Great news!- party starts tonight?
  5. Try deep fried mars bars next time. That will sort it :upyeah:
  6. That kind piece of advice is from experience??:wink:
  7. Its a bit good, innit?

    I wonder what's around the corner, now........:rolleyes:
  8. Positive thinking !!!!!!!!!
    I'm glad you are on the mend .
  9. Ta ever so.....
  10. :upyeah: but the syphillis will get you eventually :wink:
  11. Why would Phyllis want to sue me? Or am I a gonner 'ere?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. That's good news Al, nice start to lets hope is a healthy, prosperous year for you!
  13. great news bud
  14. Pleased to be reading this! Here's hoping you both have a much better 2014!
  15. Al that's fab news pleased for you :)
  16. Fanks all.......I suppose it goes some way to making up for the other shite I had over the last two years.............

    What's so bl**dy odd (or is it?).........I learned that one of the drugs they put me on for the asthma problem can cause heart attacks.......and what happens? Yep, heart attack............I then learn that one of the drugs they put me on for the heart attack can cause diabetes...........

  17. Is it really a surprise that powerful pharmaceuticals often have seriously adverse side-effects? Doesn't everyone know this? Very unpleasant for the user, of course, but you do have a choice whether to take the drug or not.
  18. Of course I know there are side effects..........I was looking at the coincidences......not starting a debate..........

    But what is so 'kin silly, is that even thought there is minimal damage to my heart and my cholesterol wasn't that high, they stick me on the maximum dose of statins which can cause diabetes...............because 'the diabetes is better than the heart problem' (the heart problem being relatively minor).
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