BNP's Nick Griffin declared bankrupt

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Splitting hairs and mixing idealolgies - still a bunch of F******
  2. To be fair to Nick Griffin, his way of trying to spread his loathsome ideology is not to use bombs and bullets, but to run as a candidate in elections and to argue his points on the streets and on TV, exposing himself to public criticism. He could be a great deal worse. Couldn't he?
  3. Unfortunately Pete, you do have a valid point.
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  4. You might not agree with what he (Griffin)says, but he has a right to say it. Democracy.
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  5. Only he rarely gets on TV so he is left largely to the streets where his simplistic message lands on fertile ground. To simply dismiss the issues a the centre of the BNP as racist rather than tackling them in the mainstream further alienates voters who feel let down by the main parties and drives them into the arms of the BNP.
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  6. Didn't a BNP candidate get elected in Tower Hamlets in the early nineties? I can remember the uproar it caused, and a tv commentator asking a man in the street if he had voted for the BNP and he said "yes", when asked "why", he answered "no-one else listened to me "
  7. I'll gladly chip in.. I took a dead mouse out of a mousetrap today, he can have that........:biggrin:
  8. This is true, there are (currently) no direct victims. He is dangerous in different ways - it's easy to be outraged when a terrorist organisation blows something up as it doesn't really further their cause anywhere except in their minds. The BNP worm their way in over many years, feeding off people's fears and slowly indoctrinating them into their disgusting way of thinking.

    In many ways BNP voters are victims of an awful psychological campaign designed to exploit their limited mental capacity.
    #28 philoldsmobile, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
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  9. I feel I should highlight the fact that it seems Mr Griffin has himself been democratically elected.

    He's a member of the European Parliament according to this. BBC News - BNP's Nick Griffin declared bankrupt
    #29 Recidivist, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  10. I can think of other political parties in the UK where this accusation could be made!
    #30 Recidivist, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  11. I can remember when Kodak was made bankrupt.

    Then again, I never did like Telly Savalas.
  12. It's true of all political parties to an extent but far more prevalent in fundamentally racist parties where it is impossible to uphold their standards in anything other than an incredibly simple mindset.

    I know if a guy (I used to work with him) who was a BNP supporter and was of the belief that only those who have never have any migrant background at all should be considered British. This made him look especially silly as he only needed to research his family name to find out he was a descendant of German migrants.

    He also thought all black people are foreign. Quite where he would have had a half African half Jamaican friend of mine (born in the UK) sent was anyone's guess.

    Simplistic views simply don't hold up under intelligent interrogation, and it is impossible to be an intelligent racist.
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