E cigs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. You can OD on nicotine??... Damn!... Best cut down on the vegetables!!... :upyeah:
  2. Only one way to stop IMO and thats cold turkey. E cigs, Gum, Patches etc are still nicotine.
  3. I used to smoke 20 a day was on Menthol or heavy Marlboro reds.

    My step dad had a heart attack due to ciggies

    In my late 20's I saw my uncle die of lung cancer and secondary Brain tumour.

    Horrendous :(

    Then not long after I found out my Grandfather I never met died of lung cancer before he was 40

    Then my Dad got lung cancer
    To be honest that was it I quit!
    My Dad has been in remission but now has one lung.

    I had a blip of about a week 7 years back.
    My son caught me and got upset.
    Then my GP smelt it on me and pointed out again how high risk I am of Lung cancer and with other stuff a stroke with the meds I am on.
    He said he would take away my meds.
    I stopped and then the weirdest thing happened.
    People's ciggies started making me ill.
    I'd have to take ventalin and then after a few mins I'd feel sick then the migraines started.

    Now I can't bare them even sitting in a smoky room makes me ill.
    And I hate the smell on me.

    I was a barmaid before the smoking ban . It was horrible as you'd have ten people smoking at the bar blowing at you.

    I'm glad I quit .
    I would never smoke again.

    But socially it's hell for me.
    All my friends smoke.
    So when I go to theirs I often have to leave as can't cope with it.
    Then go home feeling violently sick and sitting with my inhaler .

    I met a really nice bloke I explained I'm not good with ciggies .
    He said I only have 4 a day.
    Well I spent some time and it was clear 4 was 40.
    I can hardly tell someone not to smoke round me .

    It was a shame as we got on well and he's a cracking bloke .
    But he loves smoking and I hate it.
    Even on clothes :(
    I feel really guilty about that and snotty.
    But since I got Fybro I can't cope with smoke or very strong smells like bleach , aftershave , :(
  4. thats why I mentioned the vegetables... They have nicotine in them as well!
  5. Well I've just gone 24 hours without a ciggie - using patches and nicotine mints to knock the edges of the cravings but I'm amazed at the difference. Had an irritating cough after a cold - gone already, and the CO is dissipating from my system making me clear headed and more energy. Just got to lose 20kg now.

    Just hope I can stick with it!
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  6. You can, but it would be an expensive way to go about it, the e-liquid is about a tenner for 30ml.

    The one I've got is pretty damn good, but my brother just got this one and says it's bloody brilliant.

    It's not the only way to stop, that's why all these other options exist. Nicotine on it's own is not harmful (in the doses we're talking about), it's all the other shit in fags that kills you.
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  7. I started on the e-cigs 4 years ago with a "screwdriver" and a drip tip, and ready made liquid, then went onto a "Tornado" with the tank atomisers, but have now 2 different ones, both re-buildable.

    I found if you make you own liquid you can keep the cost down, I reckon it costs me about £3.50 for 30ml compared to £10 buying it ready made, and you can mix various flavours to suit your own taste. I use Golden leaves (like GV) mixed with a stronger tobacco flavour Golden Ducat with Anise to sweeten it. I did find IMO some of the liquid from "Wicked" is a bit harsh on the throat and when I first started the e-cigs got a sore throat as did the missus, so have found mixing it myself it makes it burn better so a smoother taste when vaping.

    I did find some of the tankomisers aren't as good as others, they don't burn that well so you often draw up liquid when you're vaping giving that horrible taste and can you make you feel sick. I often found they don't always last long some a couple of weeks others a couple of days, I also found they leaked around the seals so often found it empty just when you need it and haven't any liquid with you for a refill.

    As far as I am aware you can't OD on nicotine as it's no different to caffeine, it's only a stimulant.

    This is what I'm using at the moment
    AGA-TSpecial_Edition1_w_s.jpg Aga T2 with a joytech evic - variable voltage


    K100 telescopic manual mod with a drip tip rebuildable atomiser
    stainless mizer.jpg

    If you don't want to give up the nicotine but want to give up the fags it's worth perservering with an ecig, I definately wouldn't go back to the fags.



    stainless mizer.jpg

    #67 MellowYellow, Jan 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
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  8. I was under the impression nicotine is an effective assassination tool as its easily absorbed through the skin, odourless colourless and exceptionally toxic. Pure nicotine applied under a car door handle is quite effective. The yellow staining incorrectly referred to as nicotine staining is in fact tar staining

    No idea his true thus is, but it seems perfectly plausible.

    FYI - caffeine can be fatal as well in large quantities.
  9. I recall my Nazi, anti smoking, Chemistry Lecturer telling us all it's an A1 poison.
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  10. Do you all read the Daily Mail or something, for fuck sake? Talk about over-dramatising.

    I daresay one fag's worth of nicotine could make a child poorly, but it's fair to say that if a grown adult could take a whole fag's worth of nicotine in one inhalation, he'd get a bloody medal. Nicotine isn't the problem, stop worrying about nicotine.
  11. It's all about the quantities. The reason you don't die from one cigarette is because you only absorb a tiny amount of its nicotine. Botox is the most toxic substance on the planet, but in cosmetics it's used in such tiny quantities that it won't kill.

    If you were to eat three cigarettes it's quite probable you'd die.
  12. I made and ate a fag sandwich once (yes I was drunk, this was the same night I drank a bottle of aftershave for a bet...), must've had about 15 fags in it. Strangely enough I didn't die.

    I think maybe your sums are out, same as most people who love a good headline...
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  13. Sorry, slight typo / unclear statement on my part. If you ingested the entire nicotine content of three cigarettes it's quite possible to die. Other factors apply, as a heavy smoker you will have built up a resistance to nicotine as well.
  14. I ate fifteen Phil. And drank a bottle of aftershave. What the fuck else do you want..?:eek:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. All animals, humans included only absorb a tiny percentage of the total nutrients (or toxins) from their food, hence the reason poo is such a good fertiliser (and indeed many animals re eat it)

    As to how many cigarettes you you'll need to eat to absorb the total nicotine content of three? No idea. I'm more surprised the Bottle of aftershave didn't kill you, or at least turn you blind, as its likely (although by no means guaranteed) to be Methanol as opposed to ethanol (the drinking kind)
  16. I'll tell you the answer Phil. It's because what you read was a load of bollocks written by a Daily Mail reader to grab a headline. Same as the bollocks about the sea levels rising by 18ft by the year 2000...Still waiting...Still not under water
  17. From Wikipedia Nicotine Poisoning article...

    0.5-1.0 mg/kg can be a lethal dosage for adult humans, and 0.1 mg/kg for children

    An interesting piece of work regarding nicotine content of some cigarettes...

    The average nicotine content of one US Marlboro red cigarette is 12mg.

    I would only have to eat 6.16 US Marlboro reds to have consumed a top-end-of-the-scale lethal dose of nicotine. But I'm sure I wouldn't ingest every last mg from each one.


    An interesting comment from the Wikipedia article on Cigarettes

    One of the chemicals on the list, ammonia, helps convert bound nicotine molecules in tobacco smoke into free nicotine molecules. This process is known as freebasing which enhances the effect of the nicotine on the smoker.[citation needed]
  18. If you ate the whole fag, how would you not ingest the whole amount of nicotine?
  19. Because the gut and bowel isn't 100% efficient. You don't ingest all of anything you eat.
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